Friday, December 27, 2019

Benefits of Cloning Essay examples - 737 Words

Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through the use of a DNA sample. After the first cloned sheep dolly was created, many people were keen in knowing more about cloning and its benefit to society. Additionally, many of us want to know the pros and con the disadvantages and possible risks it may have on society and mankind. Most importantly, there are three types of cloning, therapeutic, reproductive, and embryonic cloning. These types of cloning are all ways of scientists trying to find ways to produce a living organism or organs. Undoubtedly, cloning is a topic that raises many question when brought up within society. However we can’t dismiss the fact that the process could benefit the lives of human†¦show more content†¦This is a form of therapeutic cloning in which scientists use embryo to grow human organs. Most importantly, it could be used to improve the quantity and quality of our foods products. However, this form of cloning is actually destroying our human embryos, which initially causes many to wonder whether this idea of cloning id worth it in the end. Recently, there has been the idea of scientists trying to clone animals for food. Although products from cloned animals are more likely to be safe, we still have to do a more comprehensive study to examine the safety of the foods. Mellon (2006) argued that If consumers arent going to be told if their meat is from a clone, FDA has to be certain that meat is safe (para.2)†. It’s important that consumers know what is entering their body because if the cloned products causes the consumer to get sick, then the consumer have the right to take any legal action against the FDA. In addition, just because a cloned organism may appear normal, doesn’t mean that it may not have any genetic defect; cause most of the time many cloned organisms always seem to have a genetic defect that causes them to die at an early age. Unquestionably, cloning is a good way for scientists to find new developing cells or genetically transform an organism. However, it could have an enormous impact within our society. Many scientists are now starting to realize that cloning could lead to psychological harm uponShow MoreRelatedThe Potential Benefits Of Cloning1068 Words   |  5 PagesCloning Cloning has been one of the most widely discussed and controversial scientific topics in the past decade. Cloning has been applied in many fields including the creation of new breeds of plants and animals. However, the cloning of plants has been practiced for hundreds of years. Cloning can be done on a larger level in animals and has potential benefits. The general process of cloning is to take one cell from the parent making the offspring and parent genetically identical (Tsunoda andRead MoreThe Benefits of Cloning Essay1095 Words   |  5 PagesThe Advantages of Cloning The first successfully cloned mammal was created on February of 1997. It was a breakthrough in scientific research when the Scottish scientists cloned a sheep by the name of Dolly. The method of cloning requires the extraction of DNA from anywhere on a subjects body and inserting that DNA into a womans egg. Worldwide attention was turned to the prospect of human cloning and with a push for sweeping prohibition (Tribe 459) legislatures around the world banned anyRead MoreThe Benefits of Human Cloning1337 Words   |  6 PagesThe Benefits of Human Cloning There are many ways in which in which human cloning is expected to benefit mankind. Below is a list that is far from complete. †¢ Dr. Richard Seed, one of the leading proponents of human cloning technology, suggests that it may someday be possible to reverse the aging process because of what we learn from cloning. †¢ Human cloning technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning theirRead MoreBenefits of Cloning Essay1375 Words   |  6 PagesBenefits of Cloning What if while walking down the street you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Would you stare in amazement or would your heart be filled with fear? At first some people may look upon the idea of cloning with disgust and question themselves if humans should play God while others would be interested and study the many possibilities that cloning offers. This illustrates the path that cloning has taken over the latter part of the twentieth century. At first, whenRead More The Benefits of Cloning Essay970 Words   |  4 PagesThe Benefits of Cloning Imagine having a twin that looks and acts exactly like you. Even more interesting this twin is a product of scientific cloning. If scientists have their way, identical replicas of human beings will be roaming the earth. This scientific vision may occur a lot more recent then many think. Cloning can be (better) understood by looking at it’s definition, process, and some examples. This first step to better understanding cloning is to hear precisely what it is. CloningRead MoreEssay on Benefits of Human Cloning614 Words   |  3 PagesBenefits of Human Cloning Some of the Benefits of cloning are very appealing. Listed below are some of the benefits which could be possible with the use of cloning technology: †¢ Rejuvenation. Dr. Richard Seed, one of the leading proponents of human cloning technology, suggests that it may someday be possible to reverse the aging process because of what we learn from cloning. †¢ Human cloning technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treatRead More The Benefits of Cloning Research Essay1449 Words   |  6 PagesThe Benefits of Cloning Research   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"To be or not to be†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the last fifty years new forms of technology have been the center of attention for every human being. It seems that every day scientists come up with some new, perhaps even controversial, and exciting ways to improve the quality of life. These new technologies affect every aspect of life, as we know it. One such technology is the research being done in the area of cloning. Cloning is the production of one or more cells, individualRead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Human Cloning1005 Words   |  5 PagesThe Benefits of Human Cloning In recent years, many new breakthroughs in the areas of science and technology have been discovered. A lot of these discoveries have been beneficial to scientific community and to the people of the world. One of the newest breakthroughs is the ability to clone. Ever since Ian Wilmut and his co-workers completed the successful cloning of an adult sheep named Dolly, there has been an ongoing debate on whether it is right or wrong to continueRead More The Benefits of Cloning Essay examples1063 Words   |  5 PagesThe Advantages of Cloning      Ã‚   People often question whether or not cloning is morally acceptable in our society, and also if it is worth all the money that we spend on research for cloning.   It is hard to believe that not to long ago many people believed that joining a sperm and an egg in a test tube was considered to be morally wrong.   It is now used by millions of doctors around the world.   Cloning is at the beginning stages of being considered morally unacceptable and will soonRead MoreThe Benefits Of Human Reproductive Cloning989 Words   |  4 PagesIn measuring the benefits, human reproductive cloning would be advantageous to the well-being of humans and because it is a fulfillment of personal autonomy. Firstly, this technique is a sound method for infertile couples to have a genetically related ‘child’ and it is a method to provide a patient medical treatment in a form of gene therapy or organ transplants (Hayry 2003). Secondly, the value of personal self-governan ce has been emphasized by human traditions in which the liberty of individuals

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Women as Victims of Crime - 1823 Words

Women as Victims of Crimes Elisha M. Snead Women in Crime April.24, 2012 Gender violence is a prevalent problem worldwide, touching all aspects of women’s lives from the home to the workplace to the street. Efforts to understand the nature global extent of violence against women are recent activism and building on gender violence is in a period of fast development. In this paper I will discuss what violence against women is, signs of abuse, I will also discuss the increasing violence against women, the types of violence against women, laws on violence against women and getting help for violence. What is violence against women one might ask? Webster’s dictionary defines violence as and exertion of physical force as to injure or†¦show more content†¦The study surveyed 73,600 individuals in 41,500 households. Among all violent crimes, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault showed the largest increases. The projected number of violent crimes committed by intimate partners against women increased from 389,100 in 2005 to 554,260 in the 2007 report (Adams 129). By comparison, the number of violent crimes against men by intimate partners went down. This shows that women are being victimized more often. The National Crime Victimization Survey is conducted every two years; the data is gathered in phone calls made to a sample of households across the United States. Some criticism from experts in the subject caused the survey to be adjusted in 2007 to capture more accurately the incidence of gender-based violence. Two major shifts were to describe types of sexual assault to those being interviewed, and to replace computer-assisted telephone interviews conducted from two telephone centers nationwide with interviews by field representatives either by telephone or in person according to (Remarks 120). There are many types of violent crimes committed against women. Dating violence is when one person purposely hurts or scares someone they are dating. Dating violence happens to people of all races, cultures, incomes, and education levels. It can happen on a first date, or when you are deeply in love. It can happen whether you are young orShow MoreRelatedCriminal Victimization : Lifetime Prevalence, Reporting, And Psychological Impact948 Words   |  4 PagesIt looks as if women are meant to be the prey of any crime. More than often it is seen as a cliche to see women as the victim in crime. Though it is true; â€Å"Criminal Victimization: Lifetime Prevalence, Reporting to Police, and Psychological Impact†, is a study on the percentage of women that have been made victims, and the future out out come of the wome. The article is by Dean G. Kilpatrick and colleagues. Researchers that chose to investigate this topic often have to face a barrier of non-reportedRead MoreThe Home Is More Dangerous Than The Street1692 Words   |  7 Pagesis more dangerous than the street. †¢ key elements discussed= target population of women, perception vs reality (including fear paradox) and current statistics of street and home crime. †¢ The reason why i have chosen these elements to be explored are because I believe it will be the best topics to be discussed to persuade readers to agree with the contentiion. Body Paragraph 1 †¢ Target population of women = Women face greater risk of death in the home in the hands of boyfriends and husbands thanRead MoreSexual Assault Against Women Essay953 Words   |  4 PagesSexual Assault against Women I choose this topic because sexual assault is one of the most offensive crimes committed in our society. Not only is it a threat to the community, but it has a physically and psychologically effect on the victim in many ways. For the last couple of decades, sexual assault, rape, and child molestation has become the focal point of public concerns today. According to a 1993 National Crime Victimization Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, about 500Read MoreCrime And The Victims Of Crime1627 Words   |  7 PagesAre those members of society who are most fearful of crime also most likely to become the victims of crime? Among society, there are many variances in people’s perceptions of safety and the threat of crime. This small essay will discuss whether members of society that are considered the most fearful of crime are accurate in their concerns and are also most likely to become victims of committed crimes. The fear of crime refers specifically to the fear and anxiety a person may feel resulting fromRead MoreFeminism And Criminology871 Words   |  4 Pageshave changed our opinion on women as victims, as well as criminals themselves. By exploration of taboo subjects such as the danger of prostitution looking into how it can prove problematic for feminism. In addition to the labelling of domestic violence, whilst uncovering a variety of key theorists and perspectives. Feminism is crucial to the study of criminology as it takes away traditional explanations of crime and uncovers an entirely different perspective of crime and criminal behaviour. FeministRead MoreThe Reality Of Television Sh ows1370 Words   |  6 Pagesmajority of the viewers are women and some of the most popular television shows are based on crime drama (Parrott 70). It does not matter if the shows are complete fiction or narratives and reenactments of a real crime that has taken place the gore, violence, and pure disgust keeps these viewers coming back week after week. These crime based television shows portray women in traditional gender roles, normally a homemaker with no job in the workforce. They also tend to present women as shallow stereotypesRead MoreThe Second Rape Essay1024 Words   |  5 Pagespart of a behavior and not a crime. Women are often given tips on how to avoid being raped or how to defend themselves from being rape (Gerdes). Society, in fact, is making people understand rape and cope around it when it’s unacceptable. Once society acknowledges that rape is bound to happen to any woman, rapists tend to blame the victim. There are several factors in which rape victims are being held responsible for the crime and not the rapist. Rape is a crime of sexual violence that can causeRead MoreVictim Blaming By The Canadian Resource Center For Victims Of Crime1212 Words   |  5 Pages What is Victim Blaming? Victim blaming is defined by the Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime as â€Å"a devaluing act that occurs when the victim of a crime is held responsible †¦ for the crimes that have been committed against them†(2). Victim blaming affects the lives of many, including both men and women. The act of victim blaming can be detrimental in many ways. It can affect the victim’s willingness to come forward and report a crime, it influences how the media and society portraysRead MoreMcp Proposal1292 Words   |  6 Pagesprojects under the STOP (Services †¢ Training †¢ Officers †¢ Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program (STOP Program) to support Maine communities in their efforts to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution str ategies to respond to violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. Violence against women crimes includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. EligibleRead MoreThe Reality Of Television Shows1374 Words   |  6 Pagesmajority of the viewers are women and some of the most popular television shows are based on crime drama (Parrott 70). It does not matter if the shows are complete fiction or narratives and reenactments of a real crime that has taken place. The gore, violence, and pure disgust keeps these viewers coming back week after week. These crime-based television shows portray women in traditional gender roles, normally a homemaker with no job in the workforce. They also tend to present women as shallow stereotypes

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Adulthood Psychology

Question: Write an essay on Adulthood Psychology? Answer: This research essay is going to analyze the adulthood and adolescence period comes to a human being. The researcher specifically studies and centers its focus on a specific article of Emerging Adults: The in-between Age by Christopher Munsey. At the same time the researcher brings comparison of different theoretical approaches. Among the stages of Eriksons psychological development, adulthood is considered to be the ages from 20 to 35 who are typically healthy, active and defiant in their approaches. On the contrary, Augustus-Horvath and Tylka (2011) mentions from stage 6 to 8 of Erikson theory are conferred as adult period. Building of the sense of personal identity is the main criteria of an adult. Along with the physical changes, a human being encounters the cognitive and emotional changes which helps to take a long stride from childhood. Munseys article projects that an emerging adult has to face some of the typical features of life: craving to set its own identity, self-centeredness, mental instability, age of possibilities and others ( 2015). Freudian theory of psychological changes seem to completely affirm this fact. An adult person conquers power to struggle and fight with all the adversities. An adult becomes capable to shouldering up the responsibilities of its family and own and gradually masters power to handle all the difficulties. Education is the most significant idealistic feature that an adult seem to conquer upon. Research shows with increase of higher education scopes, adults of America are becoming more fascinated by higher education. They comes on the professional field in much later age. But on the contrary, in the Asian continent people prefers study after hopping in any profession. Ehrlich et al. (2015) for this reason has although put economic contradiction responsible mostly. With adulthood comes adolescence abilities which makes a person to meet the physical and sexual appetites. Augustus-Horvath and Tylka (2011) observe practically the age of a man to be married is 22 and for a woman 20. But this seems to vary from culture to culture and society to society. In American society, a research of Soubelet and Salthouse (2011) projects in 68% cases girls seem to become pregnant before marriage which is barely 7.43% in the Asian societies. The research of Arnett projects that the demand of an adult from the life and the contemporary society is a lot: acquiring a well-paid job, maintain sophistication, keeping good bonding with the partner and so on. But in most of the cases, all of the demands and desires of an adult never get fulfilled. This brings depression, frustration and disappointment. Sharon (2015) has critically stated that the psychophysical mentality of a person seems to get disturbed in this situation. It not only creates disturbance in the life of an adult at the same time it brings mental problems. This age dwindles between incognizance and responsibilities. People runs after establishing its identities. There are several loopholes in this age which often seem to create distractions as well. As being elevated from childhood one faces the teething competition of life. There lies the challenge and it is the stage to prove power and ordinance. Reference List: Augustus-Horvath, Casey L., and Tracy L. Tylka. 2011. 'The Acceptance Model Of Intuitive Eating: A Comparison Of Women In Emerging Adulthood, Early Adulthood, And Middle Adulthood.'.Journal Of Counseling Psychology58 (1): 110-125. doi:10.1037/a0022129. Ehrlich, Katherine B., Lindsay Till Hoyt, Jennifer A. Sumner, Thomas W. McDade, and Emma K. Adam. 2015. 'Quality Of Relationships With Parents And Friends In Adolescence Predicts Metabolic Risk In Young Adulthood.'.Health Psychology. doi:10.1037/hea0000213.,. 2015. 'Emerging Adults: The In-Between Age'. Sharon, T. 2015. 'Constructing Adulthood: Markers Of Adulthood And Well-Being Among Emerging Adults'.Emerging Adulthood. doi:10.1177/2167696815579826. Soubelet, Andrea, and Timothy A. Salthouse. 2011. 'PersonalityCognition Relations Across Adulthood.'.Developmental Psychology47 (2): 303-310. doi:10.1037/a0021816.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Movie Summary Blood Diamond Essay Example

Movie Summary Blood Diamond Paper Blood Diamond is a 2006 film produced by director Edward Zwick. The main characters are Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou, and Jennifer Connelly. It was filmed in Sierra Leone, Africa. And it tells the story of a mercenary and fishermen that join to find the biggest diamond ever seen by a person. The title of the movie refers to all the blood that had to be poured out to maintain a diamond business ran by the South African militia. The movie reflects the situation that was going on in Sierra Leone during that period -1990- and how the political frame influenced the corruption. The movie tells the story of a young journalist -whose character is interpreted by Jennifer Connelly- that visits South Africa with the intention of informing Americans about the situation in Sierra Leone and how the rebels abused the children and forced them to work in an illegal diamond extracting business. She meets Archer, a South African mercenary -whose character was interpreted by Leonardo DiCaprio-who made deals with the rebels and the government’s security institutions exchanging guns for diamonds. After a few months, they both meet Salomon Bandi –whose character was interpreted by Djimon Hounsou- who was a fisherman that got caught by the rebels and forced to work for them. When he was working for the rebels, he found a gigantic diamond and immediately hid it. Unfortunately, the place where he was working was attacked by the African army, and he was taken to jail. When he got out of jail, Archer joined him in the quest to find the hidden diamond with the only condition that they were going to split the profits if they found it. Even though they went through persecutions, shootings, threats, and explosions. They managed to find the diamond but Archer dies, and Salomon keeps it. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Blood Diamond specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Blood Diamond specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Blood Diamond specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The movie has a few strengths such as the plot and the quality of the actors. The story is well developed and explained. It’s also easy to follow up, and there are no ope

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Homecoming Essay Example

The Homecoming Essay By comparing The Homecoming with at least one other appropriate play, discuss the importance of violence in post 1945 dramaUp until 1945, the world has endured decades of war and violence which affected the lives of everyone through the duration of it. It affected the way people lived, the way people worked and even how plays were written. Since the war, violence has subsequently become one of the key themes in post 1945 plays such as Pinters The Homecoming and Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee.Although both plays include the theme of violence, they contrast with one another. This is because Harold Pinter expresses violence to the audience in a subtle, unusual way which is dissimilar to Albees play. In The Homecoming, there are no scenes of physical violence. It consists of a house filled with male characters where hostility is an accepted constituent of their lifestyle through the use of verbal warfare so to speak.This reflects the situation in Whos Afraid of Virginia Wo olf. In Albees play, George and Martha find themselves in the same situation as violence is an accepted part of their lifestyle too. This play however, demonstrates more direct acts of violence such as the incident where Martha is consistently teasing George about his novel and, despite numerous warnings from George, he lashes out and strangles her Martha by the throat until Nick shoves him off.I think the theme of violence is an important topic within post 1945 plays, if used effectively. This is because it unlocks a whole new generation of drama which enables new levels of excitement. The storyline in The Homecoming may be implausible, yet the violence in the play are very accurate to reality as Pinter documents the domestic aspects of human nature.In Pinters The Homecoming, there is a ruthless battle for territory and power, with Max losing his position within the household and Lenny somewhat taking the dominant role. This conflict reflects the conflict in Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf. This is because of George and Marthas ongoing conflict as they try to fight and humiliate eachother in new, inventive ways. George and Martha battle this out as if its a daily fixation.In The Homecoming, hints of violence are demonstrated such as Max telling the audience that he was once one of the toughest men in East London, having all men move out his way in the street. This must have come as a shock to theatre audiences, and certainly a drastic change to themes and issues encased in pre 1945 theatre productions. Nevertheless, this method is effective because despite the lack physical violence, this is made up with stories aided by the vulgar and gruesome language.Pinter sets his play within one room in the comfortable domestic household. Pinter experiments with a new method of conveying a subtle type of violence. He does this through the frequent uses of pauses and silences within the play to develop a sense of peril which is in contrast to methods used in Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Pinter also uses much more direct violence. Listen! Ill chop your spine off if you talk to me like that. This is a brutal and harsh threat from Max to his son Lenny. It is violence like this which is effective as it captures the audiences attention and is maintained by the constant source of friction throughout the course of the play.Violence is of huge importance to post 1945 drama. Following from the horrific events during the course of the war, hostility and aggression can no longer be ignored as a social issue. The use of violence in post 1945 plays enable playwrights such as Pinter (The Homecoming) and Albee (Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf) to express human emotion in a realist manner, allowing audiences of all classes to relate to this kind of human nature and appreciate the effectiveness of it.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Has it Gotten Desperate

Has it Gotten Desperate It is funny how emails from readers serve as prompts for each weeks editorial thoughts, and this week is no exception. Received a question from an indie author who asked me where he could obtain statistics on how much money indie writers make. BookScan and other entities attempt to monitor traditional sales (not that they get it correct, but they try), but he felt there had to be something somewhere monitoring the same for indie. Then he gave me his statistics, and how low they were. A friend of mine told me one of his bestsellers sold 300 copies. That was eye-opener for me, because I honestly thought someone in his position would do better than that. I started self-publishing in late 2009 and have put out 23 books. Ive sold 2917 copies for a total of $5793.73. This averages $1.98 a copy. Im personally committed to print books, but probably 75 percent of all my sales are ebooks. This also averages to about 126 copies of each of my 23 titles. However, I can say I have one book which clearly outsells the others and accounts for about 85 percent of all my sales. I love writing short stories (I cant seem to write novels) but readers arent captivated Whats happening these days is that writers dont sell as many books because there are so many books out there. There are also so many tools popping up to advertise books for FREE, 99 cents and $1.99. Daily and weekly publications tell you were all the secret best deals are. So: 1) Readers expect to pay less for books than they used to. 2) Writers receive less money and feel they have to write more to take up the slack. 3) That puts even more books out there, so readers dont know what to buy and they stick to lists. 4) The lists start charging for appearances in their lists. The spiral continues. It used to be that writers had to have three to four books to be a success. Now its closer to ten. And after attending a recent mystery conference, Im learning that the serious writer has two dozen or more. My suggested solution? 1) Dont forget traditional publishing. They still get your name out to more regions. 2) When indie publishing, pump serious attention into quality, to include financial investment. 3) Dont forget to write well. Dont shortchange your craft for quantity. 4) Be patient, keep writing, and know that this phase will change for another. Dont let it freak you out. New indie authors do not make money. Those that do have been busting their asses for a long time. Nobody is an overnight success. So keep on keeping on. Only the diligent survive this business.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis and critique of an lecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Analysis and critique of an lecture - Essay Example He claims that 8/10 people worldwide have a religious affiliation with which they identify. He contends that even 68% atheists have a religion aspect that they follow in their life. He attributes the growth to Religion as having an effect on growth on people who have a following in any particular faith. He claims that on average, atheists are more than a decade older in comparison with those religiously affiliated. He supports this argument by offering an example of the Muslim community, which worldwide, has many women who are in the childbearing age. His argument on age in relation to religion, which he bases on findings that he has looked at, tries to show the importance of religion to an economic growth. Even so, that claim remains largely contestable. He observes that religious freedom is under threat in nearly all parts of the world. Such a threat comes mostly from government and social organization. He notes that 43% of countries are in threat of religious freedom. To support his assertions, he gives examples of government restrictions that exist in different countries. Brian is right to note that animosity arises when social religious groups then endeavor to free themselves from these restrictions. Professor Brian is trying to show the increasing religious intolerance even with increased activity to quell it by international agencies. By this, he also brings out the problem of international business interaction that is growing by day as connected with religious feuds being witnessed particular where resources are unfairly distributed based on religion and sects. He points out how social hostility is advanced mostly by sectarian groups. They exist in countries that have government restrictions. That way, Professor Brian tries to show the connection between government restriction and the current increase in sectarian war. He points out that when he goes out to give talks on the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

DSS Development Means Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DSS Development Means Evaluation - Essay Example These phases have to be cyclical so that they are able to return to the other phases. This can be identified as a type of model that is in the design of a waterfall. This design involves the plan project, rules followed in activating the project, different business developments, the detail design, implementation and the end project. The above stated phases can be alienated and characterized in a variety of groups so that they are easily understood. They follow in a certain order that involves viability study, scheme analysis, structure design, accomplishment, incorporation and trials, exploitation, and preservation. In the process of designing, evaluations involving the DSS systems are more often than not used. It is important to ensure that the ROMC design approach is input and build in the correct manner. In addition, it is essential to understand that the technology used for operational processing frequently differing from the technology required to support other

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Triangle Factory Fire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Triangle Factory Fire - Essay Example This paper explores the Triangle Factory Fire in the context of progressive era in three key dimensions: workplace safety before and after the fire, response to socioeconomic problems caused by rapid industrialization and the role of stakeholders in law implementation. During 1990s, corporations had no clear workplace safety laws that could direct their operations. After finishing a day’s work on the March 25, 1911, the workers at the company were caught unaware by fire that was fast engulfing the factory, which was occupying three floors at the pinnacle a 10-story building.1 The owners of the factory together with the office staff occupying the tenth floor, but for one, managed to escape to the adjacent building via the roof.2 Unfortunately, approximately 148 employees who were occupying the ninth and eighth floors were trapped in the burning building. Trapped in the sweatshop, the women tried in vain to force locked doors open while others threw themselves from windows. During the fire, onlookers and firefighters were taken aback to discover that there was no entrance to the building.3 The hoses length could only reach the sixth floor of the building. Other impromptu approaches to rescue the trapped workers yielded no fruit.4 Following th e tragedy, the owners of the company, Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, were arraigned only to be acquitted after two hours. This verdict caused indignation among union organizers like the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (I.L.G.W.U.) representing the plight of female workers across the country. The union pushed for change and demanded the enactment of better safety laws. In order to respond effectively to emerging social and economic challenges resulting rapid industrialization, the progressive regime focused of reforms and law implementation to curb the problems and ensure better lives for Americans. The progressive era (1890-1920) was characterized with numerous swift responses to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Traditional Agricultural Technology in Sri Lanka

Traditional Agricultural Technology in Sri Lanka 1. Modern Agricultural sector plays a very important role in contributing to the economy of the country. Agriculture represents 13% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rice is the main staple food in Sri Lanka. Paddy sector contributes 16.5 % of the GDP of the agriculture sector. Paddy farmers represent considerable percentage of the labor force of the country. Rice is the oldest crop on earth and rice is the main consumer food in Sri Lanka and the main substitute for rice is the wheat flour. Sri Lanka has two major agricultural seasons namely Yala and Maha. About 5.75 lakh hectares were being bought under paddy farming in the Maha season from October to February and another 3.5 lakh hectares under the Yala season from April to August. Sri Lanka is country which Agricultural sector plays a main role in the economy. Paddy is produce in two seasons in a year. Every Government has identified the importance of the Paddy industry and has been a political focus so far. Mahaweli P roject is the one of the most successive project done in the country to increase the land available for the paddy cultivation. However farmers in rural provinces faced many hardships to obtain adequate harvest and revenue from paddy cultivation and vegetable cultivation due to lack of new technology 2. There are three major economic activities which contribute to the Gross National Product (GNP) in a country, Namely Agriculture sector, Industrial sector and Service sector. Beginning of 1950s Sri Lankan economy was mainly based on agricultural sector and by mid 1950, service sector contribution remarkably increases and maintained the highest contribution to the GNP at present. With the change of political and security situation of the country, it is essential to develop agriculture sector to achieve the self sustainability of the country. In 2008 recorded the highest sectoral growth of 7.5 percent (%) over the growth of 3.4 % recorded in 2007. Output of domestic agriculture products were increased in 2008 mainly due the record increasing of paddy production during the year seasons. 3. Sri Lanka Rice Sector alone contributes 30% to the agricultural GDP which accounts for 16.8% of GDP in year 2007.The present Annual value of the rice production is Rs. 49 billion which is at an increasing trend, although the relative contribution of the rice sector to the GDP is diminishing. In 2008 paddy production increased by 24% recorded levels of 2.63 million metric tons of rice. This recorded target was archived through enormous difficulties faced by the farmers in rural provinces. It is essential to implement an effective government policy and an efficient mechanism to the development of the paddy sector in Sri Lankan in each province to increase income of the rural farmers. GENERAL OUTLINE 4. Paddy is widely grown in the all over Sri Lanka and it is a popular food crop among all communities in country. As the labor and other requirements of paddy are high it provides direct employment to a large number of people besides its contribution to indirect employment in input supplies and providing other services associated with the industry. However, there are several constraints that affect the development of paddy crop in Sri Lanka. Among the most important constraints are, high cost of the new technology, low productivity of paddy land, and high disease prevalence in paddy growing areas due to prevailing conductive environment for disease occurrences STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 5. The statement of problem can divided in to two major parts: a. Social Presently at the country most of farmers are using Traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka and it will effect for there personnel income with out using new technology b. Economic Without using new technology for traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka will not enable to increase of production in agriculture. Mal usage of the modern technology caused low productivity in local agriculture SCOPE OF THE STUDY 6 This research attempts to identify the relationship between the traditional agriculture and modern agriculture in Sri Lanka and the number of farmers who had abandoned the cultivating of paddy. The research will focus only on the paddy farmers in Sri Lanka and the benefits of using new technology in traditional agriculture. JUSTIFICATION 7. As it effects to the national income of the country it is reasonable to do a research on this topic. 8. As it effect to the loosing of jobs in agricultural field it is a responsibility of the government to look in to this problem. 9. As the agriculture is the oldest traditional occupation in Sri Lanka it is very much needed to research on this field and its out come. OBJECTIVES General Objectives 10. The general objective, this research is to study increase production by using new technology for traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka Specific Objectives 11. The following objectives are identified. a. To study what is the traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka. b. To study technology used for traditional agriculture and modern agriculture in Sri Lanka. c. To examine traditional paddy farming cultivation of paddy in Sri Lanka and its increase drastic production. c. Agro biodiversity and related traditional systems. d. Recommendations based on the findings. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 12. Use of new technology will enable drastic increase of the production of traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY 1. This study will be based on a survey. The data will be gathered from primary and secondary sources to analyse the situation and the data obtained from Agriculture department and other relevant source Primary Source 2. A literature survey will be carried out by referring various types of articles, books and World Wide Web to gather information on the field of the paddy cultivation and data gathered by agriculture department and other agriculture research centres ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER 3. Since the main idea of this study in to analyze that there is specific relationship between the diminishing trend of yield and the trend of abundance of paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka, the paper analyses this relationship and its effect to the paddy farming. The first chapter introduces the subject and other details of the research. In the second chapter contains the History Methodology Organization of the paper Data collection method Limitation. In the fifth chapter all gathered data are analysed and the last chapter contains findings, recommendations and conclusion SAMPLING 4. Selected 10 paddy farmers randomly to represent every part of the country who are currently engaged in the paddy cultivation. DATA COLLECTION METHOD 5. The source of data collections is details gathered from the Government Officials those who are engaging in the cultivation. Further, past statistics were collected from the Hector Kobbekaduwa agriculture Research Centre in Colombo, and the Public Library in Colombo LIMITATIONS 6. a. proceeding with a research the following limitations was identified. b. The time available to carry out this research was only 3 months. c. Commonly most of the farmers were not in the position of giving accurate figures regarding their individual farm management. CHAPTER 3 WHAT IS TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE IN SRI LANKA 1. Rainfall and its variation Sri Lanka is a tropical country, but climate of the country shows variation across the Island due to differences in rainfall, elevation and soil factors. Further, the central hill masses, which act as an orographic barrier and the Indian Ocean, surrounding the Island also influence the climate of Sri Lanka. 2. The rainfall of Sri Lanka shows seasonal fluctuations and is dependent on mostly monsoon, Four precipitation seasons are clear in Sri Lanka, namely southwest monsoon from mid-May to September call Yala season, northeast monsoon from December to February call Maha season and two inter-monsoon periods, the first and second inter-monsoons last from March to mid May and from October to November respectively. Total annual rainfall of the country varies from 750 to 5000 mm two broad climatic regions, namely the dry and wet zones are recognized based on total annual rainfall and distribution of dry months. The rainfall is one of the significant factors for determining agricultural land use as well as use of various genetic resources. The distribution pattern of rainfall throughout the year is further important than the total annual rainfall. The rainfall distribution in the majority areas of Sri Lanka is markedly seasonal. Seasonal distribution of rainfall and distribution of wet and dry months in different climatic zones influence the type of paddy grown by farmers in different seasons. The bi-model pattern of rainfall distribution is characteristic of the wet zone whereas the dry zone exhibits a uni-model rainfall pattern. The rainy season of the wet zone lasts from May to November (7 months) which is much shorter in the dry zone (3-4 months; October to January). In the dry zone, southwest monsoon allows only a small crop (Yala season) whereas the main season (Maha) is effectively the wet season. Cropping patterns, farming practices and genetic resource utilization are markedly different according to this rainfall distribution patterns along with the other factors. 3. Agro ecological zones Agricultural land use and land management necessities at a given location depend on the climatic conditions together with soil properties and conditions. The areas with similar climatic and soil conditions are identified and demarcated as agro ecological regions. Twenty-four agro ecological regions based on rainfall, elevation and soil types are demarcated in Sri Lanka Agro ecological classification is very useful since it provides basic climatic and edaphic differences of the country for various agricultural productions and farming practice. 4. Agro biodiversity and related traditional systems Genetic assets or germplasm are biological resources of animal, plant and microbes that contain the hereditary information required for life and are responsible for their useful property and ability to replicate. Agro biodiversity can be defined as selection and variability of animal plant and microbial organisms on earth that are for main food and agriculture. It is a key subset of genetic resources as it is the basis of food security and an essential feature of farming systems around the world. People have managed genetic resources, selecting crops, harvesting medicinal plants etc. Genetic resources remain the basis for the improvement of agricultural crops, for medicines of about 75% of the world population that relies upon traditional, largely plant-based, treatments for its primary healthcare, and for a myriad of other products such as pharmaceuticals, crop protection products and perfumes. 5. Agriculturally used domestic plants have been basically altered from their wild relatives and they have been reshaped to meet human being needs and wants. Paddy genetic resources and agro biodiversity is the product of thousands of years of evolutionary process. There are two types of selection distinguish crop evolution in Sri Lanka namely natural and artificial. These evolutionary processes continue in order to agriculture systems to remain viable. Paddy evolution has been altered by our enhanced ability to produce, locate and access genetic stuff. Both farmers and scientists have relied on the store of genetic diversity present in paddy plants that has been accumulate by hundreds of generations who have observed, selected, multiplied, store, traded and kept variants of paddy plants. 6. Sri Lanka is well thought out as a valuable repository of crop germplasm and agro biodiversity. These varieties show great adaptability to a large range of climatic and soil conditions and pest and infection problems. They also exhibit difference in grain size and quality some with medicinal property and fragrance and others that are used for cultural and formal procedure reasons and also show differences in maturity period. The existence of genetic and species diversity has special significance for the maintenance and improvement of productivity in agricultural crops in Sri Lanka which is characterized by very varied agro-climaticand diverse growing situation. Such variety provides safekeeping for the farmer against disease, pests, drought and other stresses. The genetic variety also allows farmers to develop the full range of highly various microenvironments in the country, conflicting in characteristics such as soil, water, warmth, elevation, slope and fertility. 7. The occurrence of heterogeneous agro ecological situation with seasonal and inter annual difference, socio-cultural and ethnic differences, application of different traditional paddy farming practices including dry and wet land paddy farming, deliberate and inadvertent selection of variety and a choice of systems of beliefs allow to develop various indigenous and traditional paddy cultivation practices and techniques for selection, maintenance and utilization of planting materials. 8. Furthermore these traditional paddy farmers represent centuries of accumulated experience and skills of peasants who often continuous yields under adverse paddy farming environment using locally available resources. The establishment for such paddy farming is comprised of the traditional landraces. Landraces are crop plant populations that have not been bred as variety but have been modified throughout years of natural and artificial variety to the conditions under which they are paddy cultivated. Maintenance of species and genetic diversity in farmers fields is essential to sustainable agriculture, especially for resource-poor farmers practicing agriculture under low-input conditions in marginal lands. Aboriginal knowledge has been brought down from generation to generation and forms part of the information base for a culture. The indigenous knowledge can be defined as local information that is unique to a given civilization or society. Each society has a variety of type of aware ness systems. Indigenous people have a great knowledge of the ecosystem they live in and ways to guarantee that natural resources are used sustainably. Therefore, indigenous awareness which has been accumulating over hundred years has potential value for sustainable development. It can help other people to learn how to live in the natural world in a sustainable approach as well as to increase agronomic practices for paddy cultivation and utilization of materials. 9. The agricultural landscape of the country consists mainly cultivation of rice (780,000 ha), plantation crops such as tea, rubber, coconut, sugarcane, spices (772,000 ha), vegetables (110,000 ha), other field crops (128,000 ha) and home gardens (98,000 ha). Sri Lankas farming systems, particularly rice, other field crops and home gardening have evolved over thousands of years including a rich array of farming systems and cultivated plants such as grains, vegetables, fruits, spices and livestock. New local cultivars have been developed in the agriculture sector formally and informally. In addition, many farmers have selected local landraces. The long history of cultivation, presence of cultural diversity and wide range of eco-edaphic conditions present in the country have resulted in a wide variety of farming practices in Sri Lanka. The following section describes the traditional farming principles and systems reported in Sri Lanka during the survey. TRADITIONAL AND ORGANIC PADDY FARMING SYSTEMS 10. Lowland paddy farming. The most widely practiced farming system in Sri Lanka is lowland paddy farming. Lowland can be defined as areas, which receive enough water or which can be irrigated. The lowland also called Wel yaya and is mainly cultivated with rice. In lowlands, rice is the dominant crop both in terms of land use and dietary importance, and it has been the backbone of Sri Lankas agriculture over 2500 years. Lowland paddy farming is started with deep ploughing to create a hard pan at the onset of rain or with irrigated water. Harrowing and leveling under submerged conditions follow ploughing. Initiation of agricultural operations is begun at an auspicious time with special ceremony and rituals. Sowing, transplanting, weeding, pest and disease control, water management, manuring (with compost, cow dung and green matter from plant bio mass) and harvesting are other main operations involved in rice farming and each component has special traditional methods and performances. 11. Upland (organic) paddy cultivation. Upland can be defined as land above the water sources, which therefore can be cultivated only under rain fed conditions or by providing lift irrigation. Following ploughing, the land up to two inches using buffalo and traditional plough, seed paddy soaked overnight is sown when rain is expected. The soil is mixed using a fork. This method increases the soil nutrients and water retention / absorption capacity of soil. Sometimes, broadcast field is covered with straw as mulch, which enhances weed control, soil moisture and nutrient retention. When grasses and hedges are grown in the field, they are cut and allowed to dry for incorporating in the field. The field is turned using hoe. Two to three weeks after turning, harrowing is done. Then seed is broadcast during mild rain. Intensity of management practices such as chemical weeding, fertilising, chemical pest and disease control are very low in this system. Water management is entirely dependent on rainfall. Usually, only is Maha season cultivated with paddy. CHAPTER 4 WHAT IS THE MORDEN AGRICULTURAL POSSIBILITIES IN SRI LANKA 1. Utilization of modern technology in agriculture and related industries can be categorized in several ways. In this study it is being categorized according to the type of streams of technology used. The main areas of technology which are being using in Sri Lankan Paddy farming can be identified as follows: ELECTRO-MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS 2. Mechanization of agronomic practices: This includes the crop cultural practices from seed sawing to harvesting In paddy farming the first main step is pre planting land preparation and that is been mechanised with tractors including two wheels and four wheels, ploughs, rotervators, harrows etc. In Sri Lanka this step is highly mechanised specially in commercial paddy farming.Seed sawing or crop establishment is the next main step in paddy farming. There are two main methods called direct seeding and transplanting. Sophisticated machines as well as simple machines are available for the both methods. Still Sri Lankan farming community does not use hi-tech methods for this step The next main step which is been mechanised in paddy farming is harvesting and harvest cleaning. Wide range of machines are using for this process. That includes very sophisticated machines like combine harvesters which harvest, thresh and clean the harvest at once in the paddy field itself 3. Mechanization of post harvesting activities Technology is been using in this step for storing, weighing, threshing, boiling, cleaning and polishing rice. 4. Biological improvements New paddy verities Almost all paddy farmers except very few isolated farmers cultivate improved varieties. The paddy verities been improved for high yield, to minimise lodging, to gain resistively for pest and diseases. This improved the per acre yield in the country over the last three decades 5. New breading technologies New breeding technologies like genetic engineering, germplasm transplants, mutations, selective breeding are extensively using for develop new verities 6. Biological pest and diseases control methods Biological pest and disease control methods are promoting extensively among the farming community to minimize the threat for the environment and as effective and sustainable control method. These include usage of plant extracts as repellents and insecticides, introduction of parasitic insects, introduction of insect pathogens, introduction of sterile technologies etc. 7. Chemical improvements a. Fertilizer This became one of the key inputs of farming and the new improved varieties are highly sensitive for fertilizers. Improvement of fertilizers including chemical components, slow releasing fertilisers like chelates, development of new fertilizer ratios, mixing methods can be considered under this. b. Insecticides Development of new environmental friendly verities like Aparathyroid, new types, new chemicals, new application methods, bio-degradable chemical developments comes under this. c. Herbicides Development of new environmental friendly verities, new types like selective weedicides, new chemicals, new application methods, bio-degradable chemical developments comes under this d. Fungicides Fungal attacks can be effectively controlled by application of fungicides. Development of new environmental friendly verities, new types, new chemicals, new application methods, bio-degradable chemical developments comes under this. There are no effective chemical control methods for bacterial and viral diseases CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYZING Yield Statistics. Year Insecticides Fungicides Chemical Fertilizer 1985 415,638 221,164 32,542 1986 457,549 208,597 18,167 1987 368,498 158,651 15,590 1988 443,321 176,847 14,682 1989 413,378 156,547 30,020 1993 476,839 171,594 22,361 1994 540,838 192,340 32,204 1995 539,903 228,063 31,814 1996 434,967 144,959 26,426 1997 422,805 142,814 27,455 1998 514,241 224,636 49,147 1999 585,579 266,120 61,636 2000 629,275 238,987 74,975 2001 591,142 201,707 95,397 2002 633,964 256,770 104,992 2003 767,484 291,370 160,973 2004 630,014 243,375 156,232 2005 752,075 311,986 166,811 2006 717,539 282,688 166,434 2007 654,251 215,578 180,315 2008 840,024 345,890 237,490 2009 796,301 353,848 298,816 Figure 3.1 Annual local productions of Usage of new improved varieties during the period of 1985-2009 Figure 3.2 cultivation extent (Ha) of old and new varieties during the period of 1979-2009 Figure -3.3 growth in average (kg/Ha) paddy yield Technology statistics: Usage of Tractors etc. Figure 3.4 Annual local productions of Usage of Tractors etc during the period of 1979-2008 Agro chemicals usage over the time Figure 3.5 Agro chemicals usage over the timeduring the period of 2001-2007 CHAPTER 5 FINDING RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION FINDINGS 1. During the survey it was found that the main problem faced by farmers in Sri Lanka was the insufficient average of traditional agricultural yield. Further high cost of technology , lack of high quality seeds, cost of cultivation, Non awareness of technology and low market prices were the another identified problems in this area. Further I found that following strengths and weaknesses while observing the traditional and modern agriculture in Sri Lanka. a. Production possibilities and potentialities are tremendous in the country. b. Increase of local food production is an urgent need. c. It is pre requisites for acceleration of agricultural transformation and economic growth in the country. d. Production directly affects on the increase of farmers income. e. Increase of production will reduce the level of malnutrition. f. Production market is sensitive areas that affect the political and economical background of the country. 2. Weakness observed in the paddy farming System. a. Low production of traditional farming system and modern farming productivity has discouraged the farming system. b. Land and soil degradation are leading factors for the decision of abundance of paddy farming. c. High Cost of Production has discouraged the farmers. e. here is a wide gap between the potential level and farmer yields. f. Inadequate technology transfer at village level farms. CONCLUSION 3. The general tone of the conclusion of this paper identifies that there are many obstacles and problems in paddy cultivation as well as many opportunities and potentialities for improving the high average of yield in modern and traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka. Modern Agricultural sector plays a very important role in contributing to the economy of the country. Agriculture represent 13% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rice is the main staple food in Sri Lanka. Paddy sector contributes 16.5 % of the GDP of the agriculture sector. Paddy farmers represent considerable percentage of the labor force of the country. Rice is the oldest crop on earth and rice is the main consumer food in Sri Lanka and the main substitute for rice is the wheat flour. Every Government has identified the importance of the Paddy industry in Sri Lanka. Mahaweli Project is the one of the most successive project done in the country to increase the land available for the paddy cultivation. Howeve r farmers in rural provinces faced many hardships to obtain adequate harvest and revenue from paddy cultivation and other crop cultivation due to lack of new technology. 4. Presently at the country most of farmers are using Traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka and it will effect for there personnel income with out using new technology. Also without using new technology for traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka will not enable to increase of production in agriculture. Mal usage of the modern technology caused low productivity in local agriculture 5. Thus hypotheses of this research can be proven. RECOMMENDATION 6. Implementing programme which can be help for the purpose of the training about new agriculture technology with an aim of encouraging the rest of potion of farming population for new method of farming. 7. Introduction a mechanize system through agriculture department and relevant authority for remote farmers to reach new technology writhing short period of time with its proper efficiency. 8. changing of attitudes in remote farmers towards use of new technology a they are in strongly believe that modern technology can harm there traditional system of agriculture and socio-culture values which they have being practicing for long time of period. 9. Arranging possible educational programme to educate many of farmers about positive impact on the harvest where they will not be reaching through traditional method of agriculture. 10. in order to prevent the risk of loosing traditional occupation in the field of agriculture by using new modern mechanization farmer should be encourage to change their box thinking and seek for positive and possible alternative job opportunities regarding and relevant to the field of agriculture as starting of business of chemical, agriculture equipment, machinery repair and ext. 11. Government should involve specially in this problem with the purpose of upgrading the productivity which can strongly correlated to the national economy as follows. a. implementing the infrastructure specially in remote area b. opening buying centre where farmers can obtain stable income through out the year c. government should provide to facilitate technical support relevant to agricultural industry on free or low cost basis BIBILIOGRAPHY 1. Activating All Powers in Sri Lanka Agriculture- G.K. Upawansa and Rukman Wagachchi 2. Handy guide to agriculture by Dr. Thilak T. Ranasinghe 3. Directory of Research Centers in Sri Lanka 4. National Agricultural Information Network 5. A Policy Rule for the Liberalization of Agriculture in Sri Lanka HN Thenuwara 6. Rice production on acid soils of the tropics by EN Ponnamperuma 7. Harti agricultural commodity review 2006 8. Harti agricultural commodity review 2007 9. Harti agricultural commodity review 2008

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Georgia and albert :: essays research papers

The gallery, as most are, was sparsely furnished with only a few benches. It was dominated by three huge paintings and peppered with many smaller works. In front of one, stood two sorority girls who were in heated debate. Rodney, seeing an opening to impress them, sauntered over to look at the painting and await the question he knew would come. He was right. One of the girls turned and asked "Can you tell if this is a man's or a woman's painting?" Not the question he'd expected. "Well," He said earnestly, examining the huge canvas with its large bold strokes of deep blue on a background of fantastic yellow patches. "It looks very strong. The paint is applied with a wild vitality. I'd say it's a man's work." "I told you so." said the first girl who's name was Amy. At least that's what her sweater said. "Well the label says Stacy Conover. That's a girls name." Complained the second girl. "Jan, it can be a guy's name too." This sort of argument occurs at almost every gallery. It isn't easy to settle either. Art done by men does not always look masculine nor does art by women always look feminine. The question that is posed is: Can you tell the difference between a mans art and a woman's art? I personally thought it through and decided I didn't have enough information. After digging through the library's encyclopedias, art history books, biographies and folios, it was clear that the original question was too broad. It just is not possible to give an answer on this much subject matter. With this in mind I set parameters and singled out two artists to be my subjects. Ideally the artist should have similar backgrounds as far as family and schooling. Also they need to have lived during the same period. Similar subjects and related media are best. Also they should have worked in the same locale at least for part of their careers. Hunting down and ferreting out a pair of artists to fit this description was not easy. I finally settled on two of the most important artists of the American Avant Garde, Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz. As strange as it may seem this husband and wife shared many aspects. Enough to fit my parameters anyway. Georgia and Alfred were both born into large, wealthy, immigrant families. Georgia, the oldest O'Keefe daughter and Alfred the oldest son of the Stieglitz.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay

Through its iTunes, iPod, and proprietary music software, Apple dominates the legal music download industry. But with the iPod contributing half of all the firm’s revenues, Apple faces intensifying competition posed by imitators such as the joint venture between Microsoft and MTV, and Samsung’s Helix. In addition to the competitive pressures, iPod also faces legal challenges. In France for example, legal enactments that compel firms with proprietary music management software to open their code to others are about to be passed. Such a law will also standardize formats across the industry so that songs from one vendor could be played on a digital player from any other system. Apple has also had to stare down the four largest record labels as far as pricing is concerned. While the four largest record labels preferred variable pricing in order to maximize earnings, Apple successfully argued for the flat 99 cents price which is more competitive (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). The success of Apple illustrates how commitment to the marketing orientation philosophy is useful in ensuring organizational success. Unlike the major record labels which insisted on selling music packaged in CDs, Apple realized that music consumers’ tastes and preferences had shifted in favour of the more convenient digital format, and developed a product around such needs. Through the strategy of product development as identified by the Ansoff Matrix, we see Apple adding on to its product line music videos, popular TV shows, and short movies (Mercer, 1996). Apart from the product, Apple also got other elements of its marketing mix right. In particular, its adoption of the flat $0. 99 price rather than the variable pricing pushed by major record labels ensures that the product remains competitive. Its ability to bundle together its three products – the iPod, iTunes and proprietary music software – is also a smart marketing gimmick that has enabled it to lock in customers (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). Apple derives its sustainable competitive advantage from its proprietary music software as well as its unique player iPod. By enacting laws that allow Apple’s rivals access to its code, and by standardizing formats across the industry so that songs from other vendors could play from the iPod and vice versa, the new regulations will in essence be eroding the source of the competitive advantage enjoyed by Apple in the digital music industry. For that reason, should the French legislation succeed, it would be better for Apple to pull iTunes out of the French market (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Impede and Impinge

Impede and Impinge Impede and Impinge Impede and Impinge By Maeve Maddox A reader questions the use of the preposition on after impede in a newspaper headline: I don’t think â€Å"on† is needed or correct [in this headline]: â€Å"Washington’s weeklong power outage impeding on Thanksgiving.† I’d love to hear your thoughts. The reader is correct. Impede does not take a preposition. Here are examples of correct usage: Flamingo Road  construction will impede  traffic through 2016 Natural selection, key to evolution, also  can impede  formation of new species. Do emotions  impede  logic or do emotions contribute to being rational? Five Negative Thoughts that  Impede  Weight Loss In each example, impede is a transitive verb followed by a direct object. Impede combines the Latin negative prefix im- with the Latin word for foot. The meaning of Latin impedire is â€Å"to shackle the feet.† The English transitive verb impede means, â€Å"to retard in progress or action by putting obstacles in the way; to obstruct; to hinder; to stand in the way of.† The person who wrote â€Å"Washington’s weeklong power outage impeding on Thanksgiving† may have been reaching for impinging. Latin impingere means â€Å"to push, strike, drive [something] at or into something else. A common meaning of the English verb impinge is â€Å"to encroach or infringe on or upon.† When that’s the meaning, impinge is followed by the preposition on (or upon): But at what point does  my  freedom to act  impinge on  your freedom? I don’t care what they do in their private lives just as long as they  dont impinge on my rights.   Is it acceptable to  impinge on  certain civil liberties for  the sake of national security? Is it possible to set up quiet areas without  impinging on playground  space? Dido Sued for Impinging on an Astronaut’s Persona The noise from next door was impinging upon my  concentration. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with"Owing to" vs "Due to"3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lucky Brand Jeans Essays

Lucky Brand Jeans Essays Lucky Brand Jeans Paper Lucky Brand Jeans Paper Most of their Jeans are priced at around $1 00 with the exception of a few that are a bit more expensive, promising retreat fit and quality at lower prices than competitors such as True Religion and Seven for All Mankind. Lucky Brand Jeans has a very specific style and aesthetic that attracts a specific customer, but there basic Jeans brings In many customers looking for a pair of great fitting jeans. Lucy Jeans do have excellent fits that flatter many body types and slut different styles but the quality of there product must be Improved In order to turn those new customers into loyal ones who will only wear Lucky Brand Jeans. Lucky jeans look good and fit very well but they do not last very long and can succumb to piping and tearing. There jeans are meant to look rugged and vintage inspired but no customer would want there new jeans to fall apart only after a few months. This is specifically a problem with jeans that have holes and tears already put into them but pretty soon the tears and wholes can get too big and before long they look a little too rugged. Lucky has to improve the quality of their denim if they want to keep a loyal customer base like those of True Religion of Seven for All Mankind. Lucky Brand has to find a balance between the design aesthetic and functionality because what looks DOD may not be the most long lasting. Lucky Brand Jeans has a very specific look and their customer is well defined and specific. The peace-sign logics and tie-dye t-shirts are not for everyone but Lucky has done a good job of focusing on the wants of the specific customer they have in mind; the free spirit with a love of Rock and Roll. Lucky has a very specific style and a wide range of products which differentiates it from many of its competitors. Lucky has a point of view and design that attracts a loyal customer base and they will continue to grow If they improve the quality of their denim. Pairing great quality Jeans with a great fit and identifiable look will make Lucky Brand Jeans a stronger presence in denim brands Lucky Brand Jeans By blabbermouths Lucky Brand Jeans is a brand rooted in the hippie culture of the sasss and rock and of all their Jeans. Lucky Brand incorporates a sense of humor into their products that at around $100 with the exception of a few that are a bit more expensive, promising customer, but there basic Jeans brings in many customers looking for a pair of great fitting Jeans. Lucy Jeans do have excellent fits that flatter many body types and suit efferent styles but the quality of there product must be improved in order to turn ripping and tearing. There Jeans are meant to look rugged and vintage inspired but no customer would want there new Jeans to fall apart only after a few months. This is specifically a problem with Jeans that have holes and tears already put into them but specific. The peace-sign logos and tie-dye t-shirts are not for everyone but Lucky has done a good Job of focusing on the wants of the specific customer they have in mind; grow if they improve the quality of their denim. Pairing great quality Jeans with a

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reaction essay of The Art of Lying By Gerald Torto

Reaction of The Art of Lying By Gerald Torto - Essay Example Effective lying may be hampered by an emotional relationship between the liar and those he/she knows because they can easily detect behavioral changes when one is lying. Psychopath lairs such as politicians show no guilt when lying and are thus able to convince others that they are telling the truth. There is also a co-relation between the symmetry of the face and the art of lying with psychologists citing that attractive people are easily trusted as opposed to unattractive people. Children who lie and get away with it develop a knack for lying thus becoming pathological liars. People with low self esteem also become habitual liars as they exaggerate facts to appear better than they actually are. It is often almost impossible to detect liars without the help of polygraph or brain printing machines, but common indicators include long pauses while talking, omission of details such as names and places, intensive facial expressions when

Friday, November 1, 2019

Pitch for a documentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pitch for a documentary - Essay Example In the industry of drum making it is a modern trend they have started the use of fiberglass to make them. From the Patagonia Company, which dealt with the construction of surfboards, they inspired him to use the knowledge gained to assemble his drums. He has been working tireless for the last one year. He even went to the extent of sacrificing himself by going hungry most of the time so that he can manage to make the drums. It was hard for him since his grandmother would pay his rent since he was unable to gather enough funds for other expenses in his life. He has struggled emotionally since he is not able to fully sustain himself. Since he is unable to sustain himself fully, he is in conflict with himself and is wondering whether he should continue fiberglass drums making. He is struggling for his survival and still not making enough in the manufacture of the drums. One day he decides to completely quit the business and do other things outside his field of specialization. The landlord learns about his idea of quitting the job. He decides to work with him as his partner and lets him use the warehouse for free without payment of rent. With the help of his landlord he manages to make fiberglass drums in an easier way. He makes many of these kits and is looking for customers for his work. He makes quality kits and takes his time on this. This will make him rise again in his business and he will be able to create more employment for people in this industry. Once you hit the drum, it makes a cool relaxing sound and is light enough which makes it convenient for a person to carry around. The target for his work can be music bands, church choirs and many other people in the music industry who have passion for music. His drums are of good quality and can play good music which is not deafening or unpleasant to the ears. He has a goal to reach as he explains to me.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rousseau, Marx and the Critique of Classical Liberalism Essay

Rousseau, Marx and the Critique of Classical Liberalism - Essay Example Rousseau on the other hand, emphasizes on democratic political interdependence and economic self-sufficiency whereby all human beings are free and also tries to explain the origin of inequalities and how to resolve them. Just like Rousseau, Marx hates inequalities hence much of his work is criticism of the capitalist state and goes beyond political democracy to emancipation of the human race. The paper will discuss Rousseau and Marx approaches to critique of classical liberalism. Classical liberalism puts emphasis on securing the freedom of individual by limiting the power of the state and this freedom is referred as liberty. In this case, ownership of private property is encouraged and protected by the law and exchange of the property with a willing buyer is voluntary. It also advocates for the need to separate the church from the state hence freedom of religion and also free trade. This is in the belief that people have inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness a nd the role of the state is to safeguard these rights (Fremont-Barnes, 225). It is also based on the idea that people aim at maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain and that people engage in labor voluntarily to get a reward or due to fear of hunger. Much emphasis is placed on the individual since the society is a sum of individual members thus discourages formation of unions or group associations (Epstein, 1-12). Contrary to classical liberalism which emphasizes negative freedom whereby others should refrain from interfering with other’s rights, Rousseau views freedom as positive whereby individuals are enabled to realize higher goods. On the discourse on the origin and basis of inequality (1755), Rousseau acknowledges the existence of primitive societies who lived under the natural state and directed to act by their passions and desire. Under the natural state, all men are equal and inequality is brought about by men through civilization (Rousseau 1987, 26). Each society me mber has a task to perform and no one is forced to share tasks with others and the sovereign and the people have same interests. Contrary to classical liberalism, under this democratic government no one is above the law and if a government proves not fit for the society, the society has the right to overthrow it and form a new government. Such was the case with the French revolution which led to overthrow of the monarch. The government envisioned by Rousseau is a direct and not representative democracy where the people are sovereign with a general will and legislative power with the government being distinct from the sovereign (Rousseau 2008, 25). The government neither engages in conquest of its neighbors since it is self-sufficient nor expects to be conquered but instead it expects the neighbors to be of assistance in time of need hence political interdependence (Rousseau 1987, 27). On his second discourse, Rousseau points out two types of inequalities; natural inequality such as age, health and bodily strength; Moral or political inequality which is consented by men such as being more powerful, richer and more honored. He argues that the development of inequalities was as a result of evolution from natural to moral inequality. The formation of language was important in the evolution as it enabled the ideas to be spread widely otherwise in the state of nature, any

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theoretical Positions of Freud, Adler, Jung, and James Essay Example for Free

Theoretical Positions of Freud, Adler, Jung, and James Essay Introduction Historically, some of the greatest insights of psychological analysis stemmed from the minds of ordinary men and women. In many respects, most psychodynamic theories come from psychoanalysis studies that have been conducted over the generations. Science has worked meticulously to establish quality and validation to structuralist perspectives; however it was functionalism movement that were more qualitative in nature. Although not directly associated with the movement, psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, and William James made is possible to explain the purpose of the human consciousness. They all wanted to discover a way to improve the quality of the lives of individuals rather than focus on laboratory research; a more direct approach to mapping the mind. Their variations in theory were designed to focus on the foundation of human behaviors and the best way to provide accurate analysis and treatment to those behavior motivators. Sigmund Freud: Perspectives and Major Disagreements Conscious and Unconscious: Freud’s Theories – Disagreement In regards to Freudian psychology, Vaughan wrote, â€Å"the imposing, assertive methods of the arrangement†¦made ideal the rise of forceful obstruction in its train (1927). James and Freud have the most significant differences in perspectives. James felt introspection and self-reflection is the way to understanding life within the mental states (Goodwin, 2008). However, Freud believes that behavior is regulated by the unconscious mind. This was made understandable through free association and dreams. Ultimately, Freud thought professionals could figure out the state and individual based the  state on the analysis of his or her dreams (Freud, 1911). But, self-reflection was what James believed (Hart, 2008). Freud’s Sexual Motivations – Disagreement Adler and Jung, who formerly related with Freud, found disagreements with Freud’s theory of sexual motivations and psychosexual developments (Vaughan, 1927). These men argued that placing extreme prominence on the motivation through sex would reduce individual behaviors to only one motivation that is fundamental (Vaughan, 1927). Adler wanted the theory he created to become the main stimulus and foundation through his psychological theories replacing Freud’s emphasis on sexual motivation. He would replace this with self-reflection (Vaughan, 1927). Freud would focus on forces held internally to include; sexual motivation, biological dispositions, and conflicts. Adler’s theories concentrated on social factors (Goodwin, 2008). The most similar views out of the four men where Jung and Freud (Goodwin, 2008). Again Freud would be questioned by Jung and his thoughts within sexual motivations, concluding the theories of analytical psychology (Goodwin, 2008). Although Jung ’s views can be comparable to Freud’s, Jung would extend the theory to embrace a perspective that was more advanced (Goodwin, 2008). Alfred Adler and the Individual Psychology Alfred Adler was an Austrian doctor, psychotherapist, and the main founder of the school of individual psychology. He strongly believed in the importance of the feeling of inferiority or the inferiority complex. The inferiority complex is well known as a major key of developing personalities. An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, doubting oneself, uncertain of ability, or feeling as if you are not up to standards. He believed this occurred in the subconscious and caused people to overcompensate. This resulted in people either doing exceeding well, or failing miserably resulting in behavior considered abnormal by society. He believed that people were whole individuals, and from that came his â€Å"Individual Psychology†. Freud disbelieved Adlers ideas and believed they were too contrary so he had all members of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society expel Adler. Despite the fact Freud believed Adler to be incorrect, he still took his ideas seriously and called them,  "honorable errors†. Carl Jung Than we had Carl Jung who was an analytical psychiatrist who is considered as the prototype of the dissident through the impact of his scission and the movement that he created when he became analytical. He was the son of a swiss reverend of a community, he went to school and studied the medical field but he specialized in psychiatry he also worked for a renowed psychiatric hospital in Zurich. Carl Jung had a strong personality and was also thought of as quite facinating he was introduced to Freud in 1907. They hit it off and he would soon be facinated by the prestige and personality that Carl Jung had he soon seen in him the son that could keep the survival of psychoanalysis. He really believed in hm and was so into his personality that it didn’t even face him that Jung was not a jewish like he was. Soon after Jung was traveling to the US and became the first president of the â€Å"International Association of Psychoanalysis†. He traveled the world for a while and did several analysis throughout the US he also became more and more away from his studies as he was aging. But he still got to accomplish a lot and also got to fund his own schools which really attracted a lot of people he was a master in what he did and really got to accomplish a lot in the field of Psychology. Compare and Contrasts As you can see all of the psychologists mentioned above had the same goal: explain the purpose of the human consciousness. Freud as the first to develop the basis of all psychodynamic theories: psychoanalysis. Understanding certain behaviors requires insight into the emotional responses that motivate specific reactions; sexual development was paramount to human behavior. He believed that the human psyche consisted of three parts: the Ego, Super-Ego, and the Id; all parts of the sexual developmental process. On the other hand, Adler’s theory was more straight-forward: he believed that these three parts operated as a single unit; the central theme of functionalism. Alder was the first to establish the idea that an individual’s personality was a direct reflection of their conscious. The psychologist that met these two in the middle was Carl Jung. Like Freud, Jung believed all behaviors were triggered by motivators, only he thought that the motivator was based on an inferio rity complex; and like Adler, he believed that the human psyche acted as a single unit. Jung was most  significant for his use of word association to understand unconscious responses to external stimuli. His efforts proved that the unconscious mind is able to provided responses independent from the conscious mind. And finally, James William emphasized the notion of a â€Å"stream of consciousness†Ã¢â‚¬â€an active agent of mental action that is constantly changing (Goodwin, 2008). Although each psychologist had a unique perspective of how the human psyche operated, they made it possible to explain the consciousness. Conclusion Some of the greatest insights into psychological analysis included Freud’s psychoanalysis; Adler’s individualism; Jung’s analytical perspective, and James’s â€Å"stream of thought† analogies. Because of their extensive efforts to explore the human consciousness, they are often referred to as the â€Å"founding fathers of modern psychology. Together they validated the significance of functionalism over structuralism; the truth lies in the purpose not the design. Each psychologist provided a unique approach to establish what the purpose of the consciousness; the basis of all human behavior. Variations in their theories provided many different approaches to target those behavior motivators. These great psychologist collectively improved the quality of life for many individuals over the generations. References: 1. Freud, S. (1911) Interpretation of Dreams (3rd edition) Retrieved May 12, 2014 from EbscoHost 2. Goodwin, C. J. (2008). A History of Modern Psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 3. Vaughan, W. (1927). The psychology of Alfred Adler. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 21(4), 358-371 EbsocHost 4. Durbin, P. (2004). Alfred Adler. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from 5. Fisher, M. (2010, May). Psychology History. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from 6. Kowalski, R., Westen, D. (2005). Psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 7. Jung, Carl. The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. Ed. Bonnie Strickland. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2001. 347-348. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 19 May 2014

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

L’Chaim Bravery can be defined in many different ways, but it is not usually defined by an entire country. During World War Two, the entire country of Denmark decided that they would not submit to Hitler and aid him in the extermination of the Jewish people, or â€Å"The Final Solution.† Denmark is the only example of a country that was unwilling to succumb to the Nazi ideology and actively resist the regime. Through various resistance movements and strikes, the Danes were able to communicate to the Germans that they were not welcome and that their principles would not be accepted. The country of Denmark is situated directly over Germany. Though it was not considered a major conquest by Hitler, it was valuable due to its location near Norway. The country of Denmark was considered so unimportant that the Germans considered excluding it from â€Å"The Final Solution† during the Wannsee Conference. The â€Å"Jewish problem† in Denmark seemed very insignificant compared to other countries considering that there were only seven thousand and five hundred Jews to the four million Danes. Regardless, Denmark was occupied by the Germans on April 9, 1940. The German influence on the Danish government and people was very small. The Danes were able to maintain their own government with the Germans only dictating the foreign policies. The people were hardly affected as well, including the Jews. The Jewish people were able to continue with worship services and daily life as usual. The Jewish people were also exempt from wearing the Star of David, registering as Jews, or leaving their houses and relinquishing businesses. One of the main opposers of the German occupation was the king of Denmark himself, King Christian X. From his unarmed, unescorted rides t... ...s. Theresienstadt was liberated by the Soviets on May 9, 1945 after the camp was handed over to the International Red Cross. Around fifty Danish people died during the internment in the concentration camp. Around four hundred and fifty survived. Denmark has been honored for their bravery by several different monuments, such as a monument in Israel of a boat that was done on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the rescue. There is also a boat that was used for the transportation to Sweden in the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Israel. Copenhagen has a monument with a large inscription in both Danish and Hebrew that was a gift from the Israeli people. The autumn of 2013 marked the seventieth anniversary of the rescue of the Danish Jews. May we always remember the courage of a country devoted to seeing past the labels placed on people and seeing them as individuals instead.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Descrpition Essay on New York City

Macy Climer The city that never sleeps When you think of New York City, you most likely imagine the extraordinary buildings that fly in the sky or the crowded sidewalks with hundreds of people shopping on every corner. Even with my short visit I found myself lost in the big apple. The streets are filled with the atmosphere that is like teenagers shopping with their parent’s credit card. Although by the end of the day your feet are so swollen from all the walking, you find yourself wanting to keep going in the hopes of having the best â€Å"New York experience. †It was spring break of my senior year and my dance team plus our moms were about to travel to the city that never sleeps. All of us were so anxious to explore this amazing city that most of us have only seen on TV. When arriving at the airport that early spring morning I had butterflies in my stomach, for the thought of the big city that I have always dreamed visiting. The flight was long but it was comfortable. When the captain announced that we would be landing in about 20 minutes, I was the most anxious I have ever been in my life. Twenty minutes felt like forever!Finally the seat belt sign went off and the flight attendants opened the exit doors. The airport was so crowded with every kind of person you could think of. It was a small airport, only being about 10 minutes away from the city. After we collected our luggage we went to flag down our first taxi. I have watched several movies that were based in New York City so getting a taxi was just as simple as raising your hand and waving them down. As the taxi came up from under a bridge I found myself staring at the most amazing city I have ever been to.Time Square is seen in a lot of movies, but it is way better then I imagined. As I was standing right in the middle of Time Square I was overwhelmed with everything that was going on around me. There were people covering every inch of the sidewalk, hot dog stands and people handing out fly ers to shows and other activities. The cars were bumper to bumper while horns came from every direction. Even though NYC is this amazing city, it was kind of a dirty, loud, and crowded place. But behind the crowded loud streets, New York is a beautiful city.Our journey began the second we arrived. I wanted to explore every inch of the city but I knew that was impossible. I was going to try though; the hotel we stayed at was right in the middle of Time Square. It was like a dream every time I walked out our doors. The city was such a fast paced place. People fast walking past you, taxis speeding through the tiny avenues of New York, the people of NYC for sure live off coffee and red bull. The days went by so fast because we were constantly doing something at all times.Mainly sightseeing and shopping, lots and lots of shopping! As the days went by the city became easier to get around. I was a pro at flagging down a taxi, and I understood the whole subway thing. I realized that when th ey say that New York is the city that never sleeps they meant it. At all hours of the night I would hear car horns and loud music and people talking. I loved every bit of the city, even though it was crowded and loud and sometimes a little smelly. The shopping and all the huge skyscrapers made it worth it.Shopping wasn’t the only good thing about New York; I was able to see two Broadway shows. The shows are amazing and filled with really talented people. Triple threats that can sing, dance, and act, I saw wicked which was a show I have wanted to see since it first came out. These shows are the coolest things; New York is a place full of adventure and excitement. Our journey was ending and it was bitter sweet. I loved the city but Texas is my home and I missed it. I will for sure visit New York again sometime in my life.After exploring the city for a week I came to realize that it is a fabulous place to visit, but maybe not such a good place to live. I loved getting to experie nce this city with my mom and seeing all the sights that are so cool, and eating all the food that New York is known for , and even shopping at places that a lot of celebrities shop at. It would take several trips to NYC to get to discover everything there but I feel like my trip to the big apple was the real â€Å"New York experienced. †

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marilyn Monroe Informative Speech

Marilyn Monroe  (born  Norma Jeane Mortenson; June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962) was an  American  actress,  model, and  singer, who became a major  sex symbol, starring in a number of commercially successful motion pictures during the 1950s and early 1960s. After spending much of her childhood in  foster  homes, Monroe began a career as a model, which led to a film contract in 1946 with  Twentieth Century-Fox. Her early film appearances were minor, but her performances in  The Asphalt Jungle  and  All About Eve  (both 1950), drew attention.By 1952 she had her first leading role in  Don't Bother to Knock and 1953 brought a lead in  Niagara, a melodramatic  film noir  that dwelt on her seductiveness. Her â€Å"dumb blonde† persona was used to comic effect in subsequent films such as  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes  (1953),  How to Marry a Millionaire  (1953) andThe Seven Year Itch  (1955). Limited by  typecasting, Monroe studied at t he  Actors Studio  to broaden her range. Her dramatic performance in  Bus Stop  (1956) was hailed by critics and garnered a  Golden Globe  nomination.Her production company, Marilyn Monroe Productions, released  The Prince and the Showgirl  (1957), for which she received a  BAFTA Award  nomination and won a  David di Donatello  award. She received a  Golden Globe Award  for her performance in  Some Like It Hot  (1959). Monroe's last completed film was  The Misfits  (1961), co-starring  Clark Gable  with  screenplayby her then-husband,  Arthur Miller. The final years of Monroe's life were marked by illness, personal problems, and a reputation for unreliability and being difficult to work with.The circumstances of her death, from an overdose of  barbiturates, have been the subject of conjecture. Though officially classified as a â€Å"probable suicide†, the possibility of an accidental overdose, as well as of homicide, have not been ruled out. In 1999, Monroe was ranked as the  sixth-greatest female star of all time  by the  American Film Institute. In the decades following her death, she has often been cited as both a  pop  and a  cultural icon  as well as the quintessential American sex symbol. [6][7][8]  In 2009,  TV Guide Network  named her #1 in  Film's Sexiest Women of All Time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Platos Laches Essays

Platos Laches Essays Platos Laches Essay Platos Laches Essay During his lifetime Socrates’ various interactions with his fellow Athenians left his intentions debatable. Popular belief in Athens seemed to be that, â€Å"he [Socrates] was an evildoer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven? and makes the worse appear the better cause† (Plato, pg. 5) as stated by the unofficial charges against him in The Apology. After discussions, his interlocutor’s were left confused in a state of aporia, with no conclusion. And so while negative views of Socrates became increasing popular in Athens right up until his death, Socrates was, on the contrary, serving as Athens’s benefactor, opening up their eyes to the truth of world in which they lived in. In Plato’s Laches, Socrates does in fact tear down his interlocutors’ claims but only to prove to them that they don’t know what they claim to know by exposing holes in their fundamental thoughts and to redirect them on a path to finding true knowledge. Through a method of elenchus, Socrates aimed to prove to his interlocutor that the ideas they held about certain topics were in fact false. When a person would come to him with a question, as Laches and Nicias do in Laches, Socrates would first direct the conversation in such a way that the question lying before the men is a foundational one, and not necessarily the original question. In his explanation of this Socrates states, â€Å"So, in a word, whenever a man considers a thing for the sake of another thing, he is taking counsel about that thing for the sake of which he was considering, and not about what he was investigating for the sake of something else† (Plato 185D) and redirects the question of whether or not young boys should learn the art of fighting in armor to how to care for the souls of young men. By doing this Socrates is able to expose the very source of his interlocutors’ belief system and demonstrate that if the basis of the system isn’t true nothing built on it can be true. Socrates goes on to have the men discus virtue, because they are trying to discover what virtue could be added to their sons’ souls to make them better men and because virtues are the basis for the moral ethics by which they live.. He then invites them to define a virtue: courage. When Laches gives a less than sufficient answer, Socrates rephrases his question and asks for a true definition of courage, one that would encompass every sort of courageous act. Eventually Laches gets to a point where he is unsure of how to proceed, saying, â€Å"I am really getting annoyed at being unable to express what I think in this ashion. I still think I know what courage is, but I can’t understand how it has escaped me just now so that I can’t pin it down in words and say what it is† (Plato 194B). By admitting that he is unable to concisely express the definition of something he considered himself knowledgeable about, Laches allowed Socrates’ method to have a refl ective effect on him. The dialogue ends in an aporia, or a state of unknowing, leaving Laches and Nicias still without an answer to whether or not young men should learn the art of fighting in armor and more importantly without what a proper definition of courage. They leave the conversation confused, realizing, that they don’t know what they thought they knew, which is what Socrates had originally intended for them to eventually understand. Coming out of a Socratic dialogue usually left the interlocutor feeling one of two ways. Laches, after conversing with Socrates and Nicias, is aware that he isn’t as informed on the idea of courage as he would have like to think, but still agrees to go Lysimachus’ house the next day to continue the discussion in hopes of revealing an answer. Being made aware of his shortcoming, instilled in him a desire to further explore it. Leaving the Socratic dialogue left Laches wanted more; because it ended in aporia, the only piece of knowledge he got of the conversation was that his definitions were wrong. Instead of giving Laches the answer, and having him just accept it as true, Socrates invited him to search for it, because in searching for an answer to the definition of courage, Laches would gradually begin to question and search for other pieces of knowledge relevant to his life, and it would become an ongoing process. However, other Athenians eventually grew tired of Socrates’ extensive questioning and can be seen in The Apology putting Socrates on trial for it. Instead of taking Socrates’ conversations for what they were worth, they labeled him as argumentative and a man who was corrupting the youth of the city. By breaking down his interlocutors’ various thoughts, ideas, and theses, Socrates was trying to reveal to them that they were not in fact wise and that the knowledge they thought they possessed was not true knowledge. Socrates himself was only considered wiser than his fellow Athenians because he considered his one piece of knowledge to be that he didn’t know anything. By breaking down, piece by piece, the arguments of those he conversed with, he intended for them to realize that their knowledge was relative and therefore meaningless in the grander scheme of things. By recognizing this, only then could they begin living a life in search of finding true meaning. In searching for meaningful things they would have to learn to question things. While he is on trial in The Apology, Socrates tells the jury that, â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living† (Plato pg. 24) Living life without asking questions, and without inquiry, is not living life at all, and is therefore worthless. As an Athenian himself, Socrates wants to help the fellow men of his city led â€Å"examined† lives and is quick to let them know, if they do away with him, there might never be someone else who does for them what he is attempting to do. In conclusion, Socrates is