Saturday, August 31, 2019

Syllabus for African Dance

Syllabus for African Dance MPADE-UE 1542. 002 Spring 2013 Contact hours: Wednesday, 1:30-3:30pm, studio 304 Education building Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions, Program in Dance Education New York University Instructor: Alfdaniels Mabingo Phone: 917-679-8119 E-mail: Consultation: By appointment —————————————– A survey course in East African dance with accompanying songs, music, and cultural contexts in which these dances originate. The course specifically offers knowledge and performance skills of traditional dance forms East Africa and methods for teaching these dances.It offers critical analysis of how these dances interact with cultural, social, occupational, and religious aspects that contribute to creating them. Besides critical understanding and performance of these dances, the course equips students with skills to perform the music that accompanies them. Learni ng outcomes 1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in performing ethnic dances from selected cultures in East Africa. 2. Students will learn and perform vocal and instrumental music that accompanies ethnic dances from cultures in Uganda. 3.Students will demonstrate techniques and methods of teaching ethnic dances from Ugandan cultures. 4. Students will acquire fundamental knowledge into critical analysis of how dances in East Africa interact with cultural aspects that participate in creating them. 5. Students will learn various techniques that are related to performance of various ethnic dances from cultures in Uganda. Students are expected to: a. Finish and present the assignments within the stipulated time. b. Actively participate in practical sessions and class discussion. Focus of selected readings and visual recordings ) Understanding the author’s message and use it as a point of departure for supplementary inquiries b) Establishing connections between the readings and visual recordings and the student’s class/practical experience c) Inspire students to learn the various dances Other important readings Adinku, W. O. (1995). African Dance Education in Ghana, Ghana, Accra: Universities Press. Aduonum, M. (2011). West African Dance in the United States University Curriculum, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Nannyonga-Tamusuza, S. (2005. Baakisimba: Gender in Music and Dance of the Baganda People of Uganda.London and New York: Routledge. Tieron, A. (1992). Doople: Eternal Law of African Dance – Choreography & Dance Studies, New York: Routledge * * Welsh, A. K. (1996). African Dance: An Artistic, Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. Welsh, A. K. (2003). Umfundalai: An African Dance Technique, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Policies: * Assignment Formats: All assignments must be typewritten with at least a normal 12 pt font and double-spaced. Use a header and page numbers. Please hand in hard copies of as signments without folders.Do not email them; Emailed copies will not be accepted. * Attendance: You are expected to attend every session of the course. One excused absence is permitted with a doctor’s note or other acceptable evidence. If you are going to be absent please send an email to the instructor. Additional absences will decrease the cumulative grade by one letter grade increment. An unexcused absence will decrease the cumulative grade by one letter grade increment. Please make arrangements with a peer to collect course materials for you and contact the peer after the session for updates on the session activities and assignments. Late arrivals/Early departures: Being on time and staying throughout the duration of the course is to be expected. Three late arrivals, three early departures, or any three combinations of late arrivals and/or early departures to/from class will equate to an absence. A late arrival or early departure of more than 15 minutes will be counted as an absence. * Late Assignments: Late assignments are reduced in letter grade increment. Assignments may be handed in up to one week late. Late assignments may not receive significant feedback.Any assignments that are not complete at this time (one week late) will not receive a grade and will negatively affect your cumulative course grade. * Assignments Class attendance and participation20% Midterm paper25% Midterm performance25% Final performance30% Note: See the rubric for details about the requirements for each area of assignment * Grading: Letter Grade| Number Grade| Legend| A| 94-100| Exceptional| A-| 90-93| Excellent| B+| 87-89| Extremely Good| B| 84-86| Very Good| B-| 80-83| Good| C+| 77-79| Satisfactory| C| 74-76| Satisfactory| C-| 70-73| Nearing Satisfactory| D+| 67-69| Minimum Passing Grade|D| 65-66| Minimum Passing Grade| F| 0-64| Failure| * Incomplete Grading: Incomplete grades are not a grading option. Under exceptional circumstances, such as those with a serious illnes s or other emergency, and at the discretion of the course instructor, an incomplete grade may be granted, based on the student's performance throughout the course of the semester. * E-mail Communication with Instructor(s): Please keep your e-mails as succinct as possible. If you predict you will need to write more than one paragraph, it is an indication that you probably need to schedule a meeting rather than writing an e-mail. Special Accommodations: Any student attending NYU who needs an accommodation due to a chronic, psychological, visual, mobility and/or learning disability, or is Deaf or Hard of Hearing should register with the Moses Center for Students with Disabilities located at 726 Broadway, phone: 212. 998. 4980, or website address: www. nyu. edu/csd. * Please refrain from all cell phone use during class. * Please clean up after any food or drink. * Dress appropriately for the classes * Academic Integrity: Please be familiar with NYU Steinhardt policies: http://steinhardt . nyu. edu/policies/academic_integrity.

Overpopulation of the World and the Problems It Creates

Overpopulation of the World and the Problems it Creates The world is faced with growing conservation problems daily, most of which are caused by an increasing population. In order to deal with the problems of overpopulation, the world needs to consider minimizing consumption, lowering waste byproducts, and keeping a hand on land management. Consumption is the act of using resources at an uncontrolled rate. It is mainly the result of overpopulation. The population of the world is growing by approximately 212,970 people per day and is said to reach nine billion people by 2040 (World Population). As the population increases at this rapid rate, the demand for food, water, and shelter will also rise just as quickly. Since the demand for goods like electricity and fuels also increase, we should consider using a more conservational method to create these items by using more abundant and replaceable resources. Water is the most abundant resources on the planet. Instead of using petroleum based fuels to run cars, we should use water. Scientists have already developed hydrogen powered vehicles such as cars, busses, scooters, and tractors (NREL). Another alternative for fueling cars are crops like corn that produce ethanol. Electricity is going to one of the most demanded items as the population grows. In some places, fuels are being used to create energy. Instead, abundant resources like sunlight, wind, and water should be used to generate all the electricity that is consumed. But, even with these methods of producing a â€Å"cleaner† energy supply, the general population will have to contribute to the conservation of the energy. Some simple things that people can do is :lower thermostats, use energy efficient bulbs, use drip irrigation to water flowers and fruits, use solar energy to dry clothes, and create a compost to dispose of that waste instead of throwing it away. As the population is growing, the amount of waste that is produced from the consumption will increase at a much more rapid pace. Each person per day produces about 4. 4 pounds of waste. The majority of this waste is thrown away in the trashcan, which is set at the curb to be picked up by a diesel truck polluting the air and using energy, only to end up in a andfill. With the increase in needs of food and other items, more and more trash will result. Recycling is the best way to fix this problem and keep 95% of trash out of landfills. It is projected that Americans will throw away over 11 million tons of glass bottles and jars 1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil more than1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil, over 4 and a half million tons of paper and nearly 10 million tons of newspaper (Center). Almost all of this material could be recycled, saving millions of trees and over 100% combined energy that is used to make new products. Businesses can also play their part in recycling things such as cooking oil that could be used as fuel in a vehicle. If we do not engage in actions to clean up the present landfills and prevent future ones, we could possibly be looking at problems such as contaminated water and soil. Land management goes along side of both consumption and waste. As the population increases, more space will be needed for houses, hospitals, schools and businesses. As a result, we must make room by methods such as destroying forest and filling in lakes, rivers, and streams. To us we may only see trees and dirty, microorganism infested water, but these two ecosystem house millions of species of animals and plants that are vital to our survival on Earth. Research states that the earth was once covered by 5. 8 million to 6. 2 million square miles of forest. Today only 2. million to 3 million square miles of forest still remains (Nielsen). By destroying these bionetworks, plants and animals become endangered and maybe even extinct. As a result, this causes entire ecosystems to collapse. Without plants, animals die and without plants and animals, the human species can no longer eat or breathe, therefore, becoming extinct itself. Humans can take control of this growing problem by considering options like apartment buildings or larger skyscrapers to t hings like online schools and e-shopping. Without a doubt, the population of the world is going to continue to grow, but that does not mean that the problems dealing with consumption, waste, and land management has to also. If we could use nature made goods like sunlight, water, and wind, we could reduce the amount of energy consumed, decrease the amount of waste produced, and decrease the amount of land destroyed that is needed to serve the population. Works Cited 7 Environmental Problems that were Worse than we Thought. 3 Feb 2008. 23 Feb 2010 . Alexander, Kathleen. Tree Benefits. 23 Feb 2010 . Bureau, U. S. Census. â€Å"Global Population Growth. † 2002. 23 Feb 2010 . Center, University of Colorado Environmental. CU Environmental Center. 2008. 23 Feb 2010 . National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL – Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research. 29 Sept 2009. 24 Feb 2010. Nielsen, Ron. The Little Green Handbook: Seven Trends Shaping the Future of Our Planet. New York: Picador, 2006. Today's Top Global Environment Issues. 23 Feb 2010 . World Population Prospects-The 2008 Revision Population Database. 2008. 24 Feb 2010

Friday, August 30, 2019

Importance of Religious Beliefs to Ethical Attitudes in Business

For effective functioning market system, moral and ethical aspects are always necessary; regulations by its own cannot control people behavior given the complexity of our current financial system. The destructiveness of unethical behavior was shown in many examples around the globe, one of the most recent examples is the unethical behavior contributed to the Global Financial crisis of 2008. Below I will be discussing the role of religiosity as a determinant of ethical attitudes towards business; in fact most religions indicate disapproval of unethical actions and underpin ethical behavior. There are some researchers who failed to find a strongly positive relationship between religious beliefs and ethical attitudes,claiming that ethical attitudes can be related to commitment to moral self-improvement and not to religiosity. In contrast, there are studies that initiated the existence of that positive relationship among religion and ethical manner; for instance it has been found that business students for whom religion is â€Å"very important† have stronger ethical values when reacting to hypothetical business scenarios. To better study the ethical attitude of business professionals, surveys were done and resulted that as a whole, business professionals who considered their religious faith to be highly important to them are significantly less accepting of ethically questionable behavior, there are some other predictors of respondents’ perception of acceptability, such as age, gender and size of the firm. In our previous point, research into the relationship between religion and business ethics involved a very large sample of business professionals which makes it superior to other researches – discussed in the same article-conducted by taking a small size sample and are focused on students whose experience in facing ethical issues and challenges in workplace is very limited. But once again , even those â€Å"small size sample† surveys have similar outcomes , which states that persons for whom their religion identity is extremely important – people with intrinsic religion orientation – will tend to suffer distress if they depart from the ethical traditions of their religion and likely to hold on more strictly to ethical standards. So both theoretical and empirical work indicates that religion is an important determinant of ethical attitude. When I first read the article, I was a bit confused regarding the role of religion as a determinant of ethical manner, as I witnessed many cases where people who have no religious beliefs act ethically and according to a highly acceptable manner. My judgment is: This relationship (between religion and UNETHICAL behavior) is not always negative. However, the relationship between religion and ethical mind-set will always bepositive , and here is the trick! Bear in mind,that am talking with reference to true religious people and not who identifythemselves religious but have no actual faith of what religious morals and values states. Living in a Muslim society, I canrecall many practices whichhave demonstrated that positive relationship,including people commitment to â€Å"zaka† for instance. Moreover, One of the most obvious cases which I have seen in my professional experience- As I am working as a stock trader in one of the biggest brokerage houses in Bahrain- when a religious investor, trading for his own personal brokerage account refuses to be engaged in a transaction which deals in stocks of any company involved in â€Å"liquor† business, as it is considered â€Å"Haram† forbidden in Islam. In my ownpoint of view, there will always be a relationship between religion and ethical standards. Thatis, individuals expressing religious affiliation will eventually have stronger ethical beliefs and therefore actions. After all, I believed that being religious is like being always highly motivated and committed to act in an ethically acceptable manner, also religious individuals find it harder and embarrassing to justify unethical business behavior and will always be searching for more fair alternative. It is also useful to know that all major religions discourages unethical behavior in â€Å"business transaction† in particular, not only Islam, as most of the religions stress the same core values. But as I previously mentioned,that doesn’t mean individual who has no religious beliefs will necessarily act unethically? No, absolutely that is not always the case. Despite the fact that some individuals who are not religious enough can be motivated by their commitment and morality,that doesn’t lead me to agree to the point addressed in the article that discusses the weakness and inconsistencyof the positive relationship between religious qualities and favorable attitude toward corporate social responsibility. Finally, I started thinking a bit wider about the difficulties faced by a religious individual to conduct business activities in a moral and ethical manner, but at the same time operating in such a complex environment having many different influencing factors. Every day, individuals face ethical matters at work and seldom know how to deal with it ,dueto several factors influencing humans behavior. In some societies, legal interpretations are based on contemporary and transient values and standards, unlike Islamic society where values and standards are directed by shari’ah and a set of â€Å"fiqh† judgment. Additionally,an individual works for any organization will be influenced by the extent of commitment of the organization’s leader to ethical conduct. And as people come to work with different values and from different backgrounds, different factors can shape ones ethical behavior such as personal values and moral,relativesinfluence, peer influence and persons’ life experience. Besides that, some people are behaving unethically in certain situation only because they possibly see no way out! In conclusion, I have to say that it is essential for someone to have those religious beliefs in order to behave according to the satisfactoryethical standards. But the main concern is , How is it achievable for a religious individual to conduct business activities in a moral and ethical manner, but at the same time operating in such a complex environment having all those different influencing factors affecting individuals attitude? Scholars have to consider and study closely all several factors influencingpeoples’ manner, making it harder to follow their believed values.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Toyota Australia to UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Toyota Australia to UAE - Essay Example The popularity of the Toyota and its reputation has been considered in dealing with the analysis. Selection of areas were highlighted which could provide added benefit to the export of the business. The underlying risk associated with the entry of foreign markets was also studied in detail. The market of UAE have been found to be promising for the Australian export market and owing to the benefits the market provides Toyota should not resist its temptation to test its fortune in the market. An added advantage which the market of UAE provides is in the low price of diesels, which generally increases the sale of cars. Other than the general market analysis a study of the associated service has been done to find out whether any obstacles lie in the smooth running of the business. 7. Macro-environmental analysis of UAE 7.1 Political and Legal Environment of UAE: The government of UAE is the combination of seven emirates which is ruled by the president. The government of UAE is flexible r elating to the investment from the foreign countries. It promotes and encourages foreign countries to enter their region and carry out business. Despite the nation being the combination of seven different emirates but there exist federalism in the UAE companies law and is applicable throughout. The UAE free zone offers 100%foreign ownership and tax exemptions to companies operating over a period of 15-50 years (United Arab Emirates UAE tax rates, n.d). So it is quite encouraging for the companies to invest in UAE. Owing to such favorable factors the foreign investment in UAE accounted to108billion dollar in 2011. (FDI in UAE, 2008,) 7.2 Economic Environment of UAE: The economic condition in UAE is always on a high and in recent times it is expected to grow at a rate of 3-3.5% in 2011. UAE’s rising economy can be contributed to the export of oil, which over the years have gained considerable amount of revenue for the country. It significantly rose to 30% and caused earnings of 74 billion dollars (UAE oil income up 30% in 2010, 2011). It happens to rise at a considerable rate every year. The employment rate in UAE is considerably high as the foreign companies are obliged to recruit local people. Out of approximately 2 million populations in the emirate a staggering 86.6% of them are economically active. (Holdsworth, 2010) Dubai sees 19% decrease in unemployment rate 7.3 Socio-cultural Environment of UAE: The standards of living of the inhabitants are pretty high owing to the good financial position of most number of people. UAE has a diverse culture of people as many foreign bodies have established their base in the country. 7.4 Competitive Environment in UAE: The demand for luxury cars in UAE is always on a high and the automobile industry faces sufficient growth over the years in UAE. There is a strong presence of local car manufactures as well as the presence of international brands like Hyundai. The sales figure of Arabian automobiles recorded an 18% growth and the increase in sales of the Japanese firm was accounted due to introduction of new brands of car. The overall market grew by 19.7% in the year of 2010. The rise in sales of cars have added considerable amount of competition among the big players in the market. (UAE automotive industry record high growth in sales, 2011) 8. SWOT analysis STRENGTH 1. The company ,Toyota had

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MIS - Essay Example McDonalds is a leading multinational fast food chain whereas Apple Inc. on the other hand is an American multinational whose core business is designing, developing as well as selling consumer electronics, online services, computer hardware as well as personal computers. The two companies use MIS differently so as to achieve their business goals as well as objectives. Management information system for most organizations entails a system that offers information required in management of organizations efficiently.MIS consists of 3 fundamental resources that include; information, technology as well as people; with people being the most significant resource. The information received usually supports the everyday decision making in the working areas. McDonalds MIS is implemented and utilized in the production of periodic reports like everyday list of employees as well as the hours they have worked, or monthly record of expenses in comparison to a budget. McDonalds therefore makes use of MIS since the objective of MIS is provision of profitability as well as information to assist managers together with staff comprehend the performance of business as well as its future direction. In addition, MIS impacts McDonalds in ensuring timely and accurate transaction processing, streamlining records together with accounting management, in the process standardizin g business processes at McDonalds.MIS also offers interactive support to mangers assisting them in making critical decisions for McDonalds as well as providing a systematic easy formats for digging out important information as per particular needs .MIS therefore greatly helps McDonalds in saving time thus enabling the restaurant chain to gain a lot of competitive advantage as compared to others (Hossein, 2011). On the other hand Apple Inc is a company whose main goal is to always be an innovation leader. This is the same philosophy that extends even in the way that they manage

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Pieces of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparing and Contrasting Pieces of Art - Essay Example The paper "Comparing and Contrasting Pieces of Art" will compare artworks and explores different forms of art. Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (figs. 15) is a piece in continuation element of the art. Sayre presents the innovative steps of the artist through evaluation of multiple factors of the art, comprising different of Picasso’s initial sketches (figs 13 and 14) for the completed painting. The two paintings focus on the feminine themes with forms of traditions alongside how those in authority exploited them. The paintings clearly show these effects where there faces show sadness and sorrow from the experiences they have gone through. Their physical bodies although not well proportional to real human body, it indicate how they have suffered. The paintings are symbolic to women oppressions. However, on the other hand, figure 14, its color is somewhat clear showing that the paintings represent different periods and environments. The first case, women are oppressed directly but in the other case, there is indirect mishandling of women. The images are nonetheless confusing on what is present in the environment since the paintings have a blurred background. The nakedness of women in the painting shows that the most form of abuse is sexual abuse and mistreatment by the male counterparts. On the other hand, it may also show some of their promiscuous state in the society. Their dignity is longer an issue as long as they get or their sexual needs are satisfied. The earthworks equivalence and fixation.... Their dignity is longer an issue as long as they get or their sexual needs are satisfied. Sculptures The earthworks equivalence and fixation such as the Christo and Jean-Claude’s Gates and Smithson’s Spiral Jetty (fig. 395 and 396) are usually two huge temporal environmental sculptures created outdoors, which utilizes rocks, natural items, and earth, alongside manufactured objects. Comparing these two works, we can see that the Gates have some sharp colors (yellow) curtaining the several gates drawn on a linearly view. The author curved the gates and placed them equidistant to each other and in a straight line. On the other hand, the spiral Jetty is curved on the ground showing that it cannot be moved. How the sculptures were created, is pure artwork as they indicate some balance within the space given. In the two art works, there is some form of balance, implying that the author is well conversant with basic requirements, which enabled him produced such an exception al works. The colors are also almost the same, implying than they were written within the same time. Usually, colors indicate time, for instance, green show rainy season in most cases, but the ones on this sculptures are pale purple with background trees showing some evidence of drought. However, the first sculpture on gates was curved in snow-invested areas, while the spiral Jetty sculpture is in an open field. The two indicate some traditional practices, where for the first case, it may be a place of initiation where people were required to go through the gates while for the second case, it can be a path where people followed before eventually converging to take an oath (Sayre, 2010). Architecture There are a number of different

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nash Disease (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) Essay

Nash Disease (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) - Essay Example As well known, exercise increases the body temperature and in turn raises the rate of metabolic reaction, which assists in melting of fats in the body. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is one such controversial disease in the field of medicine whose main causes are not clearly known. Nonalcoholic steotohepatitis disease refers to condition that causes inflammation, accumulation of fats and tissues as well as damage of the liver. In the view of Kaplan (2011), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease occurs to individuals who consume little or no alcoholic drinks. However, pathologists have placed large correlation of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease with diabetes, obesity and resistance of insulin by the body. Causes of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Disease In the views of Kaplan (2011), there are no defined causes of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease. However, medical research conducted with reference to this disease reveal that the disease has got close links with other certain identifiable diseases. One of the discovered complementary diseases linked with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is obesity. Kaplan (2011) asserts that more than 70% of patients diagnosed with NASH disease had cases of obesity. Large number of obese people discovered to suffer from NASH had exceeded their maximum body weight by over 10% to 40%. Diabetes is also illustrated as one of the complimentary diseases to NASH. Medical research has additionally indicated that 75% of individuals diagnosed with NASH disease exhibited signs of diabetes mellitus 2. In the views of Kaplan (2011), about 20%-80% of the patients suffering from NASH had signs of hyperlipidemia in their blood. Hyperlipidemia disease is caused by excess lipids in the blood of an individual. This condition leads to blockage of blood vessels resulting to development of coronary disease that reduces amount of blood supply to the heart. This leads to hypertension due to straining of the heart in an attempt to circulate blood t o the entire body. Resistance to insulin secretion is another probable complimentary disease associated with NASH. Absence of insulin in the body leads to increase in the sugar levels of the blood. This condition if accumulated leads to the development of diabetes mellitus. Another probable cause of NASH disease is the use of certain drugs and toxins, which causes complications related to the NASH disease (Kaplan, 2011). Drugs that have been noticed to cause NASH in the field of medicine include the amiodarone, which encompasses corderone, and pacerone, steroids that encompass predisone and hydrocortisone, tamoxifen and synthetic estrogens. In addition, Kaplan (2011) confirms that use of chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides poison the cells thereby resulting to the development of the NASH disease. Symptoms of NASH Disease According to Kaplan (2011), NASH disease displays no clear symptoms that may lead to its easy detection. This is because NASH disease only develops throug h a progressive damage of the liver with increase with its severity. The only conditions that have been used to detect and test for NASH in the bodies of patients have been fatigue, general body illness, and pain in the upper right abdomen. However, medical practitioners disclose that cases of NASH may not have severe liver problems over a long period

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Bedrock of our Lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Bedrock of our Lives - Essay Example Indeed, in the fast-paced movement of the modern world, we need family to keep us grounded and give us a place to call home. First of all, our family has been with us from the start and has seen us through our development in life. Before we could get started in our careers, before we become successful people in whatever fields of endeavour we explore, before we meet all our friends, our family was there to guide us through the early stages of our life. That means that they accept us no matter what, despite our shortcomings. We all have heard stories of young people who left their homes to rebel against their parents, blaming them for some imagine grievance, and believing that they can make it in the world. Some of them fare well, earning money and establishing themselves in a good career. Some, however, find themselves involved in all sorts of vices and moving in the wrong crowd. Either way, at some point in their lives, they will find themselves drawn back home – a place of f amiliarity and safety, a place that has accepted them for who they are. The truth is that family reminds us of a more innocent time in our lives, it takes us back to our childhood when things were so much simpler and safer. The second point that I make when I say that family is most important is that a large part of a person’s emotional state is determined by whether or not he or she has a happy family. It is easy to take our families for granted when we are successful, when we are surrounded by friends, when we immerse ourselves in other preoccupations. The truth of the matter is, however, when we lose our families or when family relationships break up, it is one of the biggest causes of depression and even suicide. In an important study conducted by Jerry Jacobs and Joseph Teicher entitled â€Å"Broken Homes and Social Isolation in Attempted Suicides of Adolescents† (1967) it was found that that after looking at the life-histories of patients who had attempted to com mit suicide and comparing it to the life-histories of those who had not committed suicide, a great proportion of those in the former group come from broken homes or had unhappy family relationships. So you see, this means that while it is easy to take family relationships for granted when our family is stable and whole, when the links that bind are broken, it causes a great sense of personal devastation – indeed, to the point that it can drive one to commit suicide. It is clear therefore, that more than any other thing, family is the most important thing in life. Thirdly, our families have our back, no matter what. That is the power of relationships within the family. One may have plenty of friends to spend good times with, but how many people will stick by your side during the bad times? If, in the middle of the night, you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being arrested and thrown to prison, chances are, the first person you would call is a family member. That i s because of the absolute certainty we have that our family is going to be there not only in the good times but also in the bad. They cheer for us when we are at our best, and give us steady and unconditional comfort when we are at our worst. They say that life is a competition: we are constantly competing with other people for a variety of things, be it a job promotion, academic honors, winning affection from the opposite sex. Some people, therefore, will want to bring you down in order to get ahead. Our families, however, are our safe haven from the mini-olympiads playing out in the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Industry issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Industry issue - Assignment Example Various countries have tyre ratings to guide manufacturers in the production of quality tyres. In addition, the tire ratings help the consumer to select the right replacement for the worn out tyre or when buying a new tyre. Consumers should have the chance to compare the tyres’ treadwear, temperature resistance, and traction performance. Each tyre manufacturer is required to grade their tyres according to tyre rating guidelines, as will be discussed in this paper. Dunlop tyres will be discussed, too. Although tyres are often taken for granted, they contribute significantly to the safety of the driver and the vehicle. The failure of the driver to use proper types of tyres, incorrect inflation pressure, and worn out tyres can lead to dangerous driving, thereby causing loss of life and property. When tyres and wheels are out of balance, tire wear and driver fatigue are increased, which may create a driving hazard. A tyre’s resistance to heat is referred to as temperature rating. Tyres are graded according to how they can resist heat. For instance, high temperatures can cause a tyre puncture. In addition, driving in hot weather for long distances can lead to tread separation and blowouts in tyres. The highest to the lowest temperature rating includes grades â€Å"A†, â€Å"B† and â€Å"C†. Grade A tyres are said to have a higher temperature rating that grade B and C. All Dunlop tyres have a grade of temperature rating (Knowles, 2010, p. 62). The ability of the tyre to stop on a wet surface is referred to as the traction performance. High traction rated tyres should enable drivers to stop their motor vehicles on wet roads faster. However, tyres with a lower traction performance cannot allow drivers to stop fast on wet surfaces. Traction performance grades include â€Å"AA†, â€Å"A†, â€Å"B†, and â€Å"C† (highest to lowest) (iSeeCars,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Charles Darwin first book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Charles Darwin first book - Essay Example His theory had two ideas. Use and disuse which meant an organism loses traits it does not require and develops new ones. He also believed individuals inherit from ancestors. A famous example was the neck of a giraffe which was long because they reach for leaves. This theory was replaced by Mendal’s laws. Mendelian inheritance laws were the manner by which genes and traits are passed from parents to children. The inheritance can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant and X- linked recessive. His theory comprised of principle of segregation; two members of an allele segregate in gamete formation. Second law is of independent assortment; genes from different traits assort independently during gamete formation. C. Mendal’s theory of inheritance is compatible with Darwin’s natural selection theory. Mendal’s theory is actually the answer of Darwin’s shortcomings. Darwin proposed that with the natural variations that occur in populations, any characteristic that is beneficial would make the person likely to survive and transfer trait to next generation. If various natural selections would occur a new specie would evolve but he could not answer how the traits could remain over the coming generations. The blending theory was famous which stated the blend of offspring and parent’s traits. This meant any beneficial trait would disappear after a few generations. Mendel answered Darwins problem. He proposed traits were not blended, but inherited. Mendel proposed a trait that might disappear in one generation might reappear in the following generation. Mendels genetics was combined with Darwins original theory to give modern Neo-Darwinism. D. Evidence was the Particulate Inheritance theory. The theory showed that characteristics can be passed from one generation to generation through "discrete particles" known as  genes. These particles can express while not always appearing in a descendant. He confirmed the theory by experimenting on