Monday, September 30, 2019

Object recognition and visual perception Essay

What role does experience play in object recognition and visual perception? Be sure to  Ã‚   include a specific example from your experience? Experience plays vital role in object recognition, when we recognize object by sense organs, the whole data of product saved in the mind as the shadow of object, it will again come in the mind when we will see the object again by visual perception and at that time theres no need to use all sense again to recognize the object. So every time we don’t need to use all sense to recognize the object because we judge that from last experience. According to experience will give response. Like when a child touch a harmful or painful thing then shock of the thing will become experience and he will recognize product from the painful experience and will not touch that thing again, (fire). In this way experience play a role in object recognition and visual perception. How does sensation and perception affect the five senses? Sensation and perception affect the five senses as we predetermined perception for objects. Perception is totally depended upon experience because experience made perception. When we made a negative thinking about a thing, things resemble to that are also came under the same circle. Our thinking about resembled things also changed. We start hating with those things also which affect the senses, because senses may be positive toward that thing but we will not select that thing. What are the neurological foundations of taste, touch, and smell? For taste there are gustatory cell present in the taste bud as receptor and taste area is parietal lobe of each hemisphere. For touch sense the neurological foundation are receptors present in the skin like Free nerve ending which are sensitive to pain, Root hair   Plexus which respond to touch, Meissner’s   corpusles which also respond to touch, Merkel’s discs which are responsible for touch and Pascinian corpuscles which respond to strong pressure. For smell there are olfactory cell present in olfactory epithelium and olfactory hair or nerves which is connected to temporal lobe of each hemisphere where the impulse are interpreted. How is the human motor system organized? How is the human motor system organized?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Human motor system contain motors nerve (Efferent) and mixed nerve which  carries impulse from nervous system to the efferent organ. For every action the nervous system show reaction through this motor system.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Elements of leadership development and it’s importance

A leader is not born in a single day, neither is he found in your neighbor’s house. The Leader is in ‘you’. Like every living thing needs food for growth so do the leadership qualities need some nourishment to develop. For its development we need to work on all the important elements that are required to become a great leader. This theory applies not only to an individual but to an organization too. After all it is the individual who constitutes the organization; therefore the principles which we apply to get success in our lives can be used, to get success in an organization too. To start off, we must first and foremost deal with Personal Empowerment. Every human being, every society, every group or organization is not free from faults and mistakes. Weakness is found in everyone. Now, what matters the most is overcoming those, by making right practices and adopting good habits, along with good choices. â€Å"The more you know, the more you realize how much you do not know-the less you know, the more you think you know†-David T. Freeman. Another factor which would empower us in true sense, which is necessary for leadership, is ‘knowledge’. If you don’t know a vital piece of information, then find it out. Ask, get the facts, you need to take smart decisions. Knowledge gives you power. Ignorance puts you at the mercy of others. Another important lesson to be learnt in this segment called personal empowerment is learning to say a ‘yes’ to opportunities. Every individual and organization needs to get out of their cocoon and experience everything that gets into their way in a bold manner. Moving on to our second element -Control. Learning ‘To control’ is necessary for developing Leadership skills. Self-control (a form of control) is vital, one must know that he has control over his own leadership skills and can develop them. Same can be applied to an organization, it has control over its own actions, on performing the right set of actions, and one can achieve a lot. About ‘Control’- Leadership Development Leader Robin Sharma says-â€Å"When things get difficult it’s more important than to pursue excellence, is to focus on things that you can control. Take control of things that you can do and execute them brilliantly.   Then go home and let it go.† So, when you are in charge of a group you must also know how much of control is healthy for a group too. If one tries to get control on all the activities, then he might be regarded as a bad Leader. ‘Control’ must never be in excess amounts so as to frustrate. Freedom- one might wonder, as to, what freedom has to do with leadership. Soon our doubts would be cleared. A book called ‘Leadership Development in Balance’ has to say that-â€Å"I believe those leaders who find ways to create broader amounts of freedom rooted in trust have more sustainable success over time. Of course, to provide freedom, people must be willing and able to accept it and to use that freedom for the right means and ends†. This shows how freedom is necessary to take an action and also to reach ones goals. But with freedom comes-‘Responsibility’. A leader is responsible to perform his duties. A leader has to take accountability of his responsibility. There may be a difference in the level of responsibility, but we have our own set of responsibilities which we have to attend to and address. This in turn must help us to develop ethics .The Center for Ethical Leadership suggests that-â€Å"Core values are what motivate every individual and   shared core values are the foundation for agreements and co-operation among diverse people†, says Pat Hughes, Director of curriculum development for The Center. Ethics are vital for leadership because, these values create an impression on other people primarily. The other elements do create an impression but it is ethics which is most visible. Hence, we have discussed the importance and necessity of each of the elements i.e. personal empowerment, freedom, ethics, control and social responsibility for leadership development. REFERENCE: On personal empowerment: Quote of Freeman: On Ethics: On control:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Mobile Voting System Essay

The proper execution of democratic rights has become linked to the availability and reliable functioning of advanced information and communication technology (ICT). Countries all over the world are implementing computerized voting system for it has some striking advantages over traditional paper voting. Designing an air-tight and reliable computerized voting system is therefore a great task, in that, the system that must be developed must protect the privacy of the voters and electoral candidates, be easily understood and used by the entire voting populace – no matter who they are or where they come from. This project MOBILE VOTING SYSTEM is designed to allow users spontaneously vote on issues with any of the most widely used PDA technologies ( e.g. GSM, laptops, iPad, iPhone etc.) with ease and as much security as possible. Chapter One: Introduction Introduction Elections are understood to be the key of democracy all over the globe and voting is one of the electoral routes that ensure the continuity of democratic system in any civilization. Voting is a formalized way of allowing the general public or a group of people make their choice on administration matters in a free a fair manner. However, voters now lose confidence in the voting process due to fact that election rigging and riots is graduating and assuming a dangerous dimension. Most people now believe that even when they are given the chance to participate in the ongoing election process, their leaders will still be chosen through selection and not the results of the election, others concluded that paper ballots simply couldn’t be counted, even though businesses, banks, lottery systems, and other entities in our society count and deal with paper all the time. Times are changing. We now live in the Internet era, where decisions can be made quickly enough, and there is a perception that anyone who does not jump on the technology bandwagon is going to be left far behind. Businesses are moving online at astonishing speed. The growth of online interaction and presence can be witnessed by the exponential increase in the number of  people with home computers and Internet access. Despite the natural eagerness to treat our election process as the precious, delicate and fragile process that it is, the question of using the new advances in technology to improve our elections is natural. Adding mobility to the voting system (i.e. ability to vote anywhere at any time) is another added strategy to the growth of our voting system. Statistics has proven that more than  ¾ of the world’s population has at least one of the common PDAs. Ability to vote on phones will boost our voting system to a large extent. Statement of Problem There are various factors responsible for flaws in the traditional paper voting system. Chief among the factors include Incompetency on the part of the electoral commission to act as an umpire in the electoral process Do-or-Die syndrome of the contending parties to capture political power by all means Numerous incidence of violence/riots Hoarding of the electoral box by a contending party Low turnout of voters as compared to the number of registered voters; this issue could be attributed to the lack of mobility in the electoral process. Lack of trust in the electoral process by voters due to historical mishaps of insecurity. Objectives Any alternative to the traditional ballot box voting must not compromise the fundamental rights of citizens to express their free political will without any technological, psychological or any other restriction or bias. Mobile voting system provides the following set of objectives: To provide a security tight voting system. To provide a voting system that has compatibility with as many mobile PDAs as possible. To encourage participation in the balloting process by many voters who are currently discouraged by the time and inconvenience of having to attend at a physical location. Significance of the Problem Mobile voting system when implemented will be of great benefit to humanity since in one way or the other, democratic election is part of human lives. It would make obsolete the need for ballot boxes and papers, because the system would simulate these, it provides options to conduct voting in a centralized and decentralized manner, time management, reduced total cost of the election, ability to vote anywhere and anytime thereby increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the voting system. Though, the initial cost of developing Computerized Mobile Voting Systems would be high but the long run effects would be that election costs, processes and time would drastically reduce. In essence, the benefits from the implantation of this project can never be overemphasized. Chapter Two: Literature Review Introduction: This chapter includes a critical look at the existing research and case studies that have significance with this research project. It has been done by consulting other people’s work in order to understand and investigate the problem of the research project. In conducting literature review, scholarly articles, books and other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research or theory has been surveyed. After reviewing all materials, a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work is granted. The automation of business and governmental processes has long been a success story in many countries. As the use of mobile phones for voice and data communication increase, users continue to demand for more services to be offered by mobile phones due to the comfort they present. Recently a number of governments have employed e-voting systems in some of their elections and referendums using mostly computer terminals and a few with mobile voting systems. Theoretical background This project is a Web application to be developed with the major web technologies having: Database Design, Queries and Connectivity (PHP and My  SQL) User End Design (HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT) Server Testing (XAMP/WAMP SERVER) Testing (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox) Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) is the predominant markup language for web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document by denoting certain text as links, headings, paragraphs, lists, among others and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects. HTML is written in the form of tags, surrounded by angle brackets. The following is an example of an HTML code fragment that assign a title to this web application: Mobile Voting System  is the start tag. is the corresponding end tag and â€Å"Mobile Voting System† is the content of the element. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) defines how HTML elements are to be displayed. It is a collection of styling rules. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP ) is an open source server side programming language extensively used for web scripts. It is a popular server-side scripting language designed specifically for integration with HTML, and is used often in conjunction with MySQL in web applications. It is available on many platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac OS. the following is an example of a php script that MySQL: an open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL), the most popular language for accessing, querying a database. Because it is open source, anyone can download MySQL and tailor it to their needs in accordance with general public license. WampServer/Apache Server : WampServer is a free server bundle that uses Apache server. When installed on the system, it includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Apache is a popular web server that many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and individuals use to host web pages. I installed Apache as a web server on the system. Created web pages are stored in the system’s special  folder, www directory in the local disk, in order for pages to be viewed. Review of Related Literature Mobile voting combines technology with the democratic process, in order to make voting more efficient and convenient for voters. Mobile voting allows voters to either vote by computer and any Personal Digital Assistance (PDAs) either from their homes or at the polling station. Brazil is a world leader in electronic elections, having conducted them since 1990. The elections in October 1998, was one of the largest electronic elections in history, with over sixty million voters casting ballots by computer for local and national candidates. 57 percent of the voting population – voted electronically in elections for local, state and 30national offices.

Friday, September 27, 2019

NIMBY phenomenon + Home Rule + flexible zoning Research Paper

NIMBY phenomenon + Home Rule + flexible zoning - Research Paper Example Their point of argument is that such projects ruin the image of that particular place. They are also concerned that this would lead immense pollution of their environment. Pollution in this case refers to the noise, dust, fumes and odor that would come with these projects. This phenomenon has applied in many cases since time in memorial. For instance, in 1970, a proposal to build a mega railway connecting five cities in Texas was terminated due to residents’ defiance against it. The people near the tracks had a preformed mentality that building the rail would affect their tranquility due to noise. Despite the explanation by the proponent that good technology would be applied to ensure minimal noise, the residents were not ready to change their minds. Another example is the proposal to construct a metro system In Washington. This was in 1960s, whereby the Georgetown victoriously defeated this proposal. As much as many people would like to support the NIMBY phenomena, it is important to note that this phenomenon does not hold water. In most cases, the residents fail to be open minded, and are under the influence of their peers. The developments come along with their own benefits. Failure to embrace that opportunity leads to an immense loss. A good example is the two towns we have mentioned above. While Georgetown lost an opportunity for better transport system and metro stops, Texas lost an opportunity for drawing investors into their city. In my opinion, the NIMBY groups were better of supporting the projects rather than defying them. Home rule has its roots in Missouri, where it was authorized in their constitution. This was back in the year 1875. Is a scheme that deals with the relation of the municipal and the state? It gives the city dwellers a mandate to generate a charter for their particular government. Before the introduction of this

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sincerity and professional ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Sincerity and professional ethics - Essay Example The aspect of sincerity assigns this kinetic force to professional ethics. The kinetic essence of sincerity lies in the fact that it embodies the feature of truth of word and action. This means that it must be seen in terms of the driving motive and the action that follows the motive. In some sense, sincerity might be seen in terms of the motion that makes manifest the philosophies underpinning professional ethics. These philosophies are tied around the essence of human or the willing desire to serve humanity in truth and in action. The element of humanism has often been regarded in light of the different factors that relate to virtuous service. Understanding the place of sincerity in professional ethics ought to begin from the moral grounds behind the development of professional ethics. Partly, professional ethics arose out of the awareness of the possible excesses of the pursuit of profits and personal gains. Professional ethics have been considered in terms of the building blocks that underpin the pursuit of personal gain. In usual cases, work provides the means for self-sustenance and progress to the worker. In the course of pursuing the objectives of work, it is possible for individuals to be blinded by their private gains in a manner that compromises the general good. Workers and professionals are part of the commonwealth. Their efforts must necessarily trickle back to the commonwealth. It was within this understanding that professional ethics were created with the task of safeguarding the commonwealth from the possible greed of the workers. Over the times, professional ethics has been understood within the context of sincerity. Sincerity entails the aspect of selflessness. In involves placing the welfare of the majority above personal gains on the ladder of social importance. Sincerity provides the mechanics that run the engine of professional ethics. It is important to consider the fact that some elements of sincerity are derived from the concepts of gl obal citizenship. The capacity to empathize and fulfill the needs of others often brings about some form of fulfillment that actualizes the essence of humanity. Perceived within the sense of professional ethics, the application of sincerity should enable the provision of services in a manner that gratifies the needs of the seeker. For instance, a businessman should serve his clients in a manner that would eventually add value to their lives. The transaction between the businessman and the client should carry an element of mutual benefit to both parties if it has to embrace the aspect of sincerity. Kantian Sincerity and Professional Ethics In broad terms, Emmanuel Kant perceived the aspect of sincerity within the framework of good will and virtue (Wood, 2008). Kant assigned the qualities of good and autonomy to the aspect of sincerity. According to him, the element of goodwill as embodied within the aspect of sincerity is complete and does not require any causative agent in order to manifest. Kant developed an understanding of the aspect of sincerity as a function of the moral law, which must emanate from within the person. This would imply that a corporate executive who exhibits these aspects of sincerity is basically driven by inner personal qualities of goodness. According to Kant, virtue is the overarching principle that enables the pursuit of the moral good (Wood, 2008). Within this underst

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 66

Essay Example As a function of this dynamic, this brief analysis will seek to discuss the ways in which non-state combatants are viewed within the modern context, the ways in which the letter of the law of the Geneva Convention’s framework necessarily deals with such individuals, and the outlook for the future that will likely exist with relation to a more widespread inclusion of non-state combatants within the umbrella of human protection and recognition that the Geneva Convention necessarily affords. With respect to the first topic, one need not look far in order to recognize the way in which al Qaeda most certainly fulfills the role of a non-state combatant within the current geo-political model (Zelikow 6). As such, countries such as the United States have had more than a difficult time determining in what ways captured al Qaeda fighters should be dealt with. Due to the fact that al Qaeda fighters are intrinsically related to terrorism and the non-state struggle of radical Islamic ideology, nations that capture their fighters do not have clear options for which to deal with these individuals. For the most part, rehabilitation is not an option. In the same way, keeping them confined without trial is openly problematic (Yoo 141). Likewise, trying them under martial or civilian court systems prove to be highly problematic due to the fact that by doing so, the state in question (prosecution) would have to engender the defendants with a degree of rights and privileges that are inco nsistent with the forces they represent or the jurisdiction that they ultimately engaged in the act of violence/theater of war. With regards to the way in which the Geneva Convention deals with such individuals as have been described, the fact of the matter is that it does not. Naturally, if a codicil to the Geneva Convention had been included that specified the way in which states could and should deal with non-state actors and members of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

WarGames Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WarGames - Essay Example His latest goal is to discover how to get into the computers at a gaming company to play their latest big game before it comes out, but he unwittingly ends up inside WOPR, the top defense computer the Pentagon has at its disposal. Presented with a list of games to play, David is especially intrigued by one entitled, "Global Thermonuclear War", a simulation of US vs. Russia nuclear war scenarios. Alas, what started out as a game seems all too real, as WOPR takes over the systems at the NORAD project, and the folks there aren't sure if it is all a game or if the Russian missiles that appear to be poised to wipe out the US means World War III is imminent. Although WarGames is mostly considered a juvenile sci-fi adventure today, it was taken very seriously at the time of its release, thanks to the prevailing fear of nuclear war, in addition to the vast majority of the public not knowing of how such things as modems and computer actually work.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Econ 335 4th assignment lee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Econ 335 4th assignment lee - Essay Example In the contemporary times, the situation has somewhat changed in the favour of emerging new economies like Japan, Korea, China etc. who manage their currencies relative to US Dollar and have consistently diverted their surplus to the US through export. The developing economies, at the same time, have considerably increased their forex reserves to keep an edge in the new transformed global business environment. Since the role of emerging new economies is seemingly like that of Europe, when Bretton Woods I system was initiated, the current system is called Bretton Woods II system. Triffin Dilemma seems to have reappeared in the current global economy of recessive trend only to some extent. Triffin Dilemma primarily refers to Robert Triffin’s contentions that Bretton Woods I would not offer long term economic stability because its inner ‘workings contained contradictions†¦ The Triffin Dilemma posited that the world therefore confronted a choice between running short of liquidity and undermining confidence in the dollar, which was destined sooner or later to produce a crisis (Triffin, 1960). Indeed, his prophecy had come true and Bretton Woods I system crashed eventually. In the recent years, the American Economy has undergone a rapid downfall and the increasing US Account deficit has devalued the dollar to the extent that it has generated new concern in the international trade arena. Though it seems quite probable that Triffin’s Dilemma can reappear in the current global economic situation in the near future but the recovery in the American economy have forestalled the speculations. The emerging new dynamics of oil and globalization give further credence to the stability of Bretton Woods II system The main similarity between the two systems is that both have pegged their exchange rates of their currencies against the US dollar which had greatly facilitated export for the countries in Europe, when BW I was adopted and now the

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Correlation between Psycho-Reactive Drugs and Music Culture in the Research Paper

The Correlation between Psycho-Reactive Drugs and Music Culture in the 1960s - Research Paper Example These musical styles and cultural trance dances comprise the far eastern religious groups’ mantra chanting, those of the spinning dervishes of Turkey, as well as Morocco’s joujouka players (Landry & Landry 92). This paper delves into the correlation between psycho-reactive drugs and music culture in the 1960s. Introduction Psychoactive drugs refer to substances that have an impact on somebody’s mood, thinking, perception as well as feeling. These drugs activate the brain’s pleasure centers thus increasing the potential of engaging in drug abuse continually. People have always ingested psychoactive drug (Goode 1). The 1960s are however notorious for the celebration of abuse of these drugs, especially among the young people. Moreover, the growth of the music scene of this period was interconnected to the augmented use of hallucinogens as well as marijuana by the culture of the youths. A study conducted on the same revealed that in the year 1962, only twenty- five thousand Americans had even tried using LSD. However, after a period of only four years (towards the end of the year 1965), this number had increased to approximately four million users. Three quarters of the users were college or high school age students (Shapiro 139). In 1960s, there was the emergence of a spirited subculture of drugs, with some social groups viewing the use of drugs positively, assessing persons on the basis of whether they made use of illegal drugs, and believing that ‘turning on’ an individual who was not a drug abuser was a virtue. This subculture became a strong force in engaging young people into the habit of abusing illegal psychoactive substances. Drug abuse had never before gotten to such a great number of youths. (Lyman & Potter 51). As a way of rebellion and a means asserting insubordination of community norms, young people in America used drugs. In the year 1964, those who opposed mainstream ideals and American culture made San Franci sco’s Haight-Ashbury district their meeting place, rock music being the basis for this counter-cultural stance. Following his encounter of a world of love and peace during a psilocybin mushroom trip, Allen Ginsberg, a beatnik poet, made up the term ‘flower power’ to cover this thought. Soon, the term came to be a symbol of 1960s counter-culture all together (Brewer 25). LSD became increasingly readily available as years went on. In the mid 1960s, Owsley Stanley (commonly known as the ‘king of acid’) became top-grade acid’s key vendor, and built very close bonds with the world of music (Shapiro 134-137 & Wong 3). The greatest number of the musicians heavily used heroin, and some were even dealers of this drug. Moreover, marijuana played a great role in their music as well as in their daily lives. The 1960s also saw a shift in drugs of choice in the drug scene of the Unites States of America. The use of such psychedelic substances as marijuana, heroin, methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and N-diethyltryptamine (DMT) became more popular in the 1960s and their popularity increased through the beginning of 1970s (Lyman & Potter 51). LSD users often acclaim the drug arguing that it helps them attain a heightened sensation of understanding of the world. They also believe that the drug is a stimulator of creativity. In users, many of the drug’s effects are evident through the kind music that they produce when they are high on the drug (Shapiro 137). Continuous chanting or drumbeats accompanies cultural

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Animal Testing Is Cruel and Unnecessary Essay Example for Free

Animal Testing Is Cruel and Unnecessary Essay Is the Statement Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary Correct? It is common knowledge that many animals are used in medical and scientific research. These innocent animals are often obliged to undergo countless of cruel processes and endure great suffering as a result. Despite all the disputes and discussions regarding whether or not animal testing is actually necessary, they wouldnt change the fact that it is, in fact, an extremely cruel thing to do. Therefore, it is only to be expected for the need for product testing involving experiments on animals to be strongly debated. The debates themselves usually revolve around scientific, ethical and even political implications, often based upon biased beliefs. For example, an animal lover would clearly be against animal testing. They would, in fact, not care whether it is necessary or not. A doctor desperate for a new research, on the other hand, would clearly think animal testing is necessary, and ignore the fact that thousands of animals are endangered because of it. I personally think animal testing is cruel. It is an inhumane thing to do, as animals too deserve to be treated normally, and not as objects that are just used to test whether a mascara is safe enough for a persons eyelashes or not. Furthermore, it has been proven that about 9% animals such as rats, rabbits and mice end up dying after going through these experiments. Do you honestly think the decreasing number of these animals is worth a new type of blush-on or eyeliner? Regarding the statement Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary, I would have to agree with the first point: Animal testing is, indeed cruel. Nevertheless, as I am not exactly experienced in the medical field, I managed to do some research, and eventually found a rather interesting quote said by two doctors, Ray and Jean Greek, who briefly mentioned the necessity of animal testing in their book Sacred Cows and Golden Geese. They said: Animal experimentation is not necessary. It is expensive. It is inaccurate. It is misleading. It consumes limited resources. And further, it is detrimental to the very species it professes to be working to help humankind. Coming from doctors, I found their explicit quote to be rather surprising. Moreover, even though animal testing is not always accurate, there isnt a definite answer as to whether the term Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary is true or not. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, to each their own, thus I couldnt help but fathom their statement. With all these advanced technology, knowledge and finances, have we indirectly dehumanized ourselves?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Vinamilk Marketing Analysis

Vinamilk Marketing Analysis This report aims to analyse how the strategic operational process and management contributed to the business vision of Vinamilk ¹ which is becoming the leading milk products manufacturer in Vietnam. First of all, by identifying precisely customers expectations of company products, the operations performance objectives will be determined in order to make the process of producing and delivering products could be processed efficiently. These objectives are aiming for the final purpose of the whole process is providing products in a way that maximise customers satisfaction. Secondly, the performance objectives identified in the previous part will then be translated into significant action which is designing the manufacturing process. Put simply, manufacturing process of the company will be designed appropriate for what the company is trying to achieve. The chosen process design also needs to match with the characteristics of an output resources and it is manifested through lay-out. Finally, some recommendations will be provided in order to overcome the shortcomings that the company has been facing in managing its production and delivery process 1.1 Background of company Vinamilk company established in 1976 as the Southern Coffee-Dairy Company, then renamed to United Enterprises of Milk Coffee Cookies and Candies I in 1978 and finally Vietnam Dairy Company was formally established in 1993. In 2003, follows its IPO to the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange, the company legally changed its name to Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (VINAMILK). The company is a state owned enterprise in which the government owns about 50.01 % of the shares and the rest of the shares are currently active trading at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange.The principal activities of Vinamilk are manufacturing and distributing products derived from milk such as fresh-milk, condensed milk, powdered milk, yogurts, ice-cream, cheese and others drinks such as fruit juice and soya milk. According to Euromonitor, it has been the number dairy player in Vietnam for the three years ending 31 December 2007.From its equitization in November 2003 to now, the sales of Vinamilk have experienced an average growth rate of 21%/year. In 2009, total sales of Vinamilk have reached a record of over VND 10,000 billion and its profit also has got the highest amount ever before.Vinamilks main competitors and Dutch Lady Vietnam, a division of Friesland Foods, Nestlà © Vietnam, Abbott, Mead Johnson, Friso and Nutifood Customer Basically, when any company decides to enter a market, identifying its target markets is the very important thing needed to do. By doing so, a company will define precisely the groups of particular customers it wants to serve and therefore could get right products or services to a right person or company. In order to target the market, a company would firstly segment its market into smaller segments, each segment is a group of purchasers with the same set of needs and buyer behavior Back to Vinamilk, by breaking up its market based on analysing demographic and geographic variables, it can be seen that Vinamilks goal is to satisfy all customers from kids to elder in any occupation. Especially, the group of kids under 14-years-old is considered the target market that Vinamilk wants to come forwards. In the present time, Vinamilks segment in rural areas and small towns has been weak, thus, this segment will also become the target market which Vinamilk want to focus more in the early fu ture. With the products which is directly refers to the health of customers as Vinamilks products, quality always is the issue that the customers care the most. Products need to match with the requirement for hygienic and safety food and the ingredients need to be ensured their orginal resources. Otherwise, different customers will have different taste and different preferences, but generally their preference always change, they could also willing to try a new product, new flavor or even the same products with a new layout design. In addition, one of the most important element when choosing a product is price, a product with good quality and acceptable price in comparison with other products will be regarded as a sucessful product. These three elements mentioned above are the requirements of customers to Vinamilk products. After packaging, products are delivered to consumers through two distribution channels: Traditional channel Distributors à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Outlets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Consumers Modern trade Supermarkets / Metro à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Consumers The distributors, supermakets and outlets are regarded as the internal customers of the company in the supply chain. Delivering products on time is considered the most important thing in which the company needs to concern. If the delivery process because of some reasons are delayed, it will lead to many problems, in which might directly influence to their businesses. CONSUMERS 3.0 Operations INPUT RESOURCES TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OUTPUT RESOURCES Figure 1.1 Operations through-put process (Source: Slack et al.2009) Transformed Resources Raw materials Main ingredients for products derived from milk: imported milk power, fresh milk from domestic farms. for other products: fruit juice, soya beanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Others ingredients: sugar, Transforming Resources Facilities Process technology International standard assembly line Modern manufacturing facilities Staff Group of skilled engineers who control mechanical systems Raw materials quality analysis Processing raw materials Final quality testing processing Packaging Finished products Analyze the 4VS High volume Vinamilk products are produced at 9 factories with the high capactiy approximately of 570.406 tonnes per annum and distributed to all provinces of the country. The manufacturing processes are taken systematically from processing raw materials to packaging finished goods. In each process, a team of staff as engineers and workers will directly specialize in tasks related to this process. Their tasks are repeated and systemized in the standard procedures, therefore it is often worth developing specialized technology that gives higher processing efficiencies ( Slack, et al). Low variety The product portfolio of Vinamilk is diversified with over 200 different types of products however except fruit juice and soya milk, all products are derived from the main resource is milk( Raw materials are gone through the similar processing stages, could have some different preparation in the next stages, but it doesnt impact much on the standardization systems. Low availability (Rowbotham et al) With the stable and predictable demand from customer for dairy products, Vinamilk is always actively the way it produces and distributes products to market through maintaining the stability of milk material sources. Although ice-cream products are products have the seasonal charateristic, with the demand of it in the summer time higher than other season, its changing demand doesnt impact much on the general production situation of the company. Low visibility The way Vinamilk analyses its customerss behaviour basically depends on salespersons who are committed to understand the consumers preferences in their regular contact with customers across different outlets. Performance Objectives The objective of the production management is to produce goods and services of Right Quality and Quantity at the Right time and Right manufacturing cost (Kumar Suresh,2009) Quality Quality means doing things right, trying to satisfy customers by providing goods and services which are fit for their purpose. The quality advantage in manufacturing and service operations can be achieved through a skilled workforce, adequate technology and effective communication of quality standards and job specifications.(Rowbotham,2007) Being the company operating in the food branch, quality is regarded as the first important objective that Vinamilk needs to care for. All Vinamilk products are produced by the modern system machines and closely controlled by the International Quality Control Standards of ISO 9001: 2000 and HACCP certified by the world leading corporations. These productss quality are also ensured to fully announce as stipulated by the Laws under the direct and indirect supervision of competent authorities. With such the control process and strict supervision of competent authorities, released Vinamilk products are qualified with food quality, hygiene and safety standards in accordance with the published standards. Additional, the stability of milk material sources is extremely important as it helps Vinamilk maintains and increases the productivity. As a result, Vinamilk have established stable relationships with suppliers and have committed to purchase high quality fresh milk at the highest price. Th e companys factories, which are located in strategic locations near farms of milk cows, enable the company to maintain and improve these relationships with suppliers. Speed An extensive distribution network located nationwide with 201 distributors and over 141,000 outlets in 64 provinces and continued being expanded over time allows Vinamilk to bring its core products to consumers in a fast and effective way. In addition, Vinamilk has a range of modern factories located along the country that helps to reduce transportation expenses as well as to make a way the companys products are distributed to customers becomes easier and more convenience. Furthermore, the company has two transport enterprises, one is located in suburbs of Hanoi specialised in distributing products for Southern, and one is the main distributor for Northern, which is placed at Ho Chi Minh stuburb. Flexibility Flexibility means being able to change what you do to respond to changes in customer requirements in terms of the products and services design, volume, mix and delivery times. This can be achieved through dependable suppliers, mobility of multi-skilled labour, and versatile equipment, etc. The product portfolio of Vinamilk is so diversified and successfully satisfies the increasing various demands of consumers. The company owns 3 core brands, in which Vinamilk and Dielac are two key brands and Vfresh is a new one but it offers a great potential for development. Vinamilk products are divided into 6 groups and each group also consists of specific brands for specific customers. For instance, group of powered milk: Diealac Alpha for kids. Dielac Pedia for children with poor appetite and malnutrition. Dielac Mama for pregnant and breast feeding woman. Group of liquid milk: For Adults ( 100% Fresh Milk, UHT Milk Flex) For kids ( UHT Milk kid) Vinamilk has continuously introduced to the market its new products to meet the diversified demands of consumers, including Vinamilk Aloe Vera Yogurt Milk with rich source of vitamin A and E, Dielac Diecerna, Vinamilk Slimming Milk, orange smoothies, etc.. Cost With the manufacturing milk products like Vinamilk, milk materials sources being one of the main bought -in items which has a great influence to the price of products. The fluctuations of input resources may be due to many causes, however in general the increase of input resources will lead to the increase of finished products. In order to stabilize the price of products, Vinamilk has established stable relationships with suppliers and till now approximately 60% milk material has been bought from domestic sources. Vinamilks factories are located near farms of milk cows, enable the company to maintain and improve these relationships with suppliers as well as help the company to limit the costs incurred from delivering milk material. Dependability Dependability means the ability of a firm to deliver a product for customers with the exact time promised. Customers might judge the dependability of an operation only after the product and service has been delivered. For instance, one supermarket is the distributor of Vinamilk, the delay of delivering products is shown clearly in the way the supermarkets sheves have been being empty for a long time. This trouble has the huge impact to the business situation of the supermarket while its customers can not find the product they need, and so on. The delay of delivering products to customers may be caused by many reasons in which the most important reason is the quality of manufacturing process. One stage in the process goes wrong, will lead to a whole manufacturing get troubles. If the company does not do well to perform dependability, the delivery is always late, therefore the company itself will lose the goodwill of customers. As a milk company, Vinamilk considers quality is the top target, therefore, its processes have been designed as a error-free process in which some unpredictable errors that may affects the quality of finished products will be minimized. Vinamilk is one of the companies that apply the HACCP approach in manufacturing process. The HACCP approach is a scientific system for food safety assurance (Nguyen et al.,2004). Its main purpose is to provide a system whereby food businesses can control quality and safety throughout the entire food operation.(Applying quality function deployment in food safety manage ment, British Food Journal Vol. 112 No. 6, 2010 pp. 624-639). ( Source: Slack et al.2007) Figure 1.2 Polar diagram for Vinamilk 3.0 Process design The whole point of process design is to make sure that the performance of the process is appropriate for what the operation is trying to achieve(Slack et al,2007). Therefore, it can be said that operations process design is an translation of performance objectives. A question here is What type of process design currently adopted in Vinamilk? Generally, the basic process for all products in Vinamilk is the same. Raw materials are tested, processed, contained, then containers are filled, capped, labelled and packed. Inspections are carried out at appropriate stages.Therefore, an idea to adopt batch process can be given. In a batch environment, the basic machinery is fixed in place, but it is used on different batches of different products( Rowbotham et al,2009). For instance, raw milk and other main raw materials all need to pump into the preventation silo from which the milk will undergo the sterilization process. ( In this example, sterilizing machine is fixed machine, it can be used to sterilizing say, a batch of whatever yohurt, freshmilk or powered milk. After sterilizing, raw milk is undergone four more processes such as homogenising, spliting a certain amount of butter from milk, final processing and packaging. Some appropriate adjustment of parameters can be carried out in order to produce different type of products. Like for whole milk products and low fat products, butter will be added until it reaches the level of fat at 3.25 percent and 1 percent, respectively in the processing. Read phonetically However, because of the high volume characteristic of output resources, the production processes have been conducted repetitive, thus, it could be said that the whole manufacturing process of Vinamilk is also a mass process. Basically, flowlines are inflexible because of the design just allows to produce a particular product at a particular rate of output. Therefore, if demand for the product changes, capacity cannot be easily increased and reducing output simply reduces utilization and may result in very little cost saving. An idea of the process design that mixed between batch process and mass process applied in Vinamilk is called group technology will overcome drawbacks of batch and mass process individually. Group Technology (GT) is the analysis and comparisons of items to group them into families with similar characteristics (Kumar Suresh, 2009).Rowbotham et al., 2007 has the explanation of group technology as belows: Group technology can be seen as an attempt to obtain some of the cost benefits of flowlines in a batch environment.A company manufacturing 200 different products will often find that these products fall into families based upon their manufacturing characteristics, and a group of perhaps ten products could require very similar processing in terms of machinery, process sequence and operation times. While the demand for each product individually will not be great enough to justify dedicated plant and labour, the output for the whole group may be great enough to justify setting up dedicated facilities. The group technology organization rarely leads to fully fledged flowlines and is more likely to lead to small manufacturing cells containing the necessary plant and labour for that group of products. Set-up and control are easier and transport is reduced compared with batch operations. Compared with both batch and flow operations, workers can see the context of their work within the overal l scheme since group technology cells are usually small enough so that all process stages are visible from every point. The process design is expressed through layout which is simply understood as the physical arrangement of production facilities used in production. The basic aim of a group technology layout is to identify families of components that require similar of satisfying all the requirements of the machines are grouped into cells. (Kumar Suresh, 2009). Vinamilk could consider a group technology organization based upon the five groups of products identified: Group of powdered milk and infant cereals Group of condensed milk Group of liquid milk Group of yogurt, ice-cream and cheeses Group of fruit juice, soy-bean milk, purified water It means that five cells layout are designed and each of them is capable of satisfying all the requirements of the component family assigned to it. In another word, all the components assigned to a cell are almost processed within that cell itself. Like the cell of powdered milk and infant cereals has the process line which comprises sterilizing, drying, additional micronutrients, mix, containing and packaging process. The cost of transportation and equipments are minimized in group technology layout. Furthermore, group technology is help to reduces production planning time for jobs as well as set-up time. 4.0 Conclusion In conclusion, this report gives an illustration of how important operations management has contributed to the success of Vinamilk in Vietnam market. First, Vinamilk understands what is important for its customers includes: high quality, stable cost, a wide range of products and reliable delivery. Seconds, the way it produces and delievers its products is right for the market. Thereby Vinamilk can indentify the order- winning and qualifying objectives is price and quality, range of products, respectively. The internal performance objectives are also determined as cost, quality and speed. 5.0 Recommendation At the present time, the manufacturing process of Vinamilk is being proceed well which is reflected in the ways Vinamilk have applied the lastest technology in manufacturing and packaging for all factories. Vinamilk is also the only company in Vietnam which possesses the system of machines that uses the eject-deciccation technology by Niro Denmmark, a world leading company in industrial desiccation technology. The company should maintain and promote the results achieved in the future

Friday, September 20, 2019

College :: essays papers

College College! Why is it such a big deal to go right in to collage! I understand, however I just don't know what I want to do yet. I know I want to do something that has to do with criminal justice. As in the FBI. I just think that would be so cool. It would make me happy and I'll get paid O.K. My plans were to graduate, then stay with my mom for a year and just work 2 jobs, maybe take a class at U.A.A. So, I can keep with the whole study thing. Oh, and I would go into the Air Guard also. They really help with collage. Then a friend and me would get an apartment and split the rent. I would then go to U.A.A for 2 years and after that I would transfer to the University of my Choice. I got all of these ideas from my sister. I look up to my sister a lot. I learn from her experiences. She never took her SAT's and she did really badly in high school. But, when she went to U.A.A she got really good grades then she transferred over to N.Y.U. It's the 3rd hardest college to get into for her field! So, ya know if she can do it so can I. My father on the other hand! He thinks I should go to Grays Harbor Community College. And if I do, then I can live with him and he will pay for my BOOKS! If you don't know, Grays Harbor is a really bad college, it is worse then U.A.A. Even if I wanted to go, my mom wouldn't let me! I mean come on; he will help me pay for my BOOKS that's a real help. I remember one day I was in the truck with my dad and we were talking about colleges and he said "you can't go to a good college like your sister, you just cant. You're not like her. And, I'm sure as hell I'm not going to pay that much!" I told him I don't expect him to pay for anything. My sister went through college without her dad's help, so I can do it to. Every time I try and talk to him about the university that I'm interested in or when I tell him I want to be in the law or psychology field, he just changes the subject!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Political Communication Essay -- Functions of Communication

Politics and the media have long been intimately involved with each other, with media strongly setting an agenda in which politics is very important. (Harris 1999,p.167) â€Å"Our perceived reality of the real world is largely a product of the media.† (Harris 1999,p.186) It is not known which influences more but there are definitely two sides to the story. Many studies have been done to decide but each comes out with different answers. Many say that the media has more of an impact on politics than does politics on the media. â€Å"The two have always been natural adversaries.† â€Å"Skewering each other in print and in conversation, but generally enjoying each other’s company. (Forum) It is the role of the mass media to keep the general public informed and up to date with current news and events in their community, state, country, and around the world. In politics the media can either build or damage a political figure by changing the public’s opinion. Many people depend heavily on television as their source of information where they see or hear about political issues, events, and policies because television is the single most powerful medium of global communication and nightly newscasts are the most frequently watched source of information for the public. (Forum) The mass media is everywhere we turn, from television sets, to airwaves, to print, and even the Internet. In their role, are they actually giving us the right message or is it a rumor, which you often see in tabloids in which it is created just to sell? 75% of the public believes that the top priority of the media is to find and report important information on public issues. Approximately 18% say that it is to give readers and viewers what they ask for. Less than 6% say that it should be for profit. (Forum) The Forum Magazine (September 1994) also discussed a survey done by Kees, a former executive editor of The Fresno Bee, and Phillips former chief of staff of the Republican National Committee. The survey results found many accusations were made about the media. They were more interested in sensationalism than issue, they were political insider’s who can’t report fairly, they didn’t understand the real issues facing the country, they underestimate the public’s taste, and they conspire to disgrace politicians. On the other hand the survey also accused the poli ticians of wrongful doings. It was stated that they... ...d the media. American Political Science Review. 93. 327-342. Harris, R. (1999). A cognitive psychology of mass communication. Makwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Haynes, A. & Murray, S. (1998, October). Why do the media cover certain candidates more than others. American Political Science Quarterly. 26. 420-438. Iyengar, S. (1987, September). Television news and citizen’s explanations of national issues. American Poltical Science Review. p.828. Jacques, W. & Ratzan, S. (1997, August). The Internet’s worldwide web and political accountability. American Behavioral Scientist. 40. 1226-1237. Kalb, M. & Sullivan, A. (1999, September 12). News media give politics short shrift. Greensboro News Record. p.h2. Kiousis, S. (1999, August). Candidate image attributes. Communication Research. 36. 414-428. London, S. (1999). How the media frames political issues. Pippa, N. (1996) Women, media, and politics. Oxford University. Shaw, D. (1999, June). The effect of tv ads and candidate appearances on statewide presidential votes, 1988-96). American Political Science Review. 93. 345-361. The love-hate relationship between politicians and the news media. (1994, September). The Forum Magazine.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Odysseus in The Hero and the Goddess and Calypso and Circe :: Goddess Calypso

Odysseus in The Hero and the Goddess and Calypso and Circe    Reflections on the experience of Odysseus as related to Jean Houston's The Hero and the Goddess: The Odyssey as Mystery and Initiation and Alicia LeVan's Calypso and Circe  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the lush, luxuriant island of Ogygia, Odysseus spends seven years of his ten year journey home with the beautiful seductive nymph Calypso, who virtually possesses him and compels him to live a sensual but vegetative existence.   For ten years, surrounded by men, he lived out the male heroic ideal of warrior, then spent several years further testing himself against otherworldly obstacles. In the process, he lost all of his companions, and has nothing left but the little that remains of himself. Here on Calypso's isle, he lives in paradise:    "Thick, luxuriant woods grew round the cave, alders, and black poplars, pungent cypress too, and there, birds roosted, folding their long wings, owls and hawks and the spread beaked ravens of the sea, black skimmers who make their living off the waves. And round the mouth of the cavern trailed a vine laden with clusters, bursting with ripe grapes. Four springs in a row, bubling clear and cold, running side-by-side, took channels left and right. Soft meadows spreading round were starred with violets, lush with beds of parsley. Why, even a deathless god who came upon that place would gaze in wonder, heart entranced with pleasure. Homer, The Odyssey, V:71-82, Fagles translation       Odysseus is now embraced by Mother Earth, in all her verdant fertility, and also living deep within caverns that are only reminiscent of the womb. For seven years, Calypso protects him from Poseidon's wrath. As the devoted and devouring mother, AND the seductive and engulfing mistress/lover, she is both what men most desire, and most fear.    Alicia LeVan wrote: Perhaps the 'necessity' he has for unity with the feminine, coupled with his yearning for home, (an embodiment of the feminine principle representing relationship, community, cooperation, and non-aggression) represents a need for integration of the feminine principle within his psyche after years of functioning in war, with the constant testosterone of destroying, killing, raping and surviving in the most   inhumane, strife torn, blood drenched, barren plains of Troy. After ten years of functioning as a killer and destroyer,he must heal his numbness and desensitivity by connecting with his feelings.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Major Event That Contributed to the Intolerable Acts

From Protests to Separation All of the events contributed in causing the Intolerable Acts in some ways but I think that the Boston Tea Party played the most influential role of all. To help the East India Company from losing money, Britain passed the Tea Act which allowed the company to have a virtual monopoly of the trade for tea in America. This angered the merchants and the smugglers and they called for a new boycott on tea. Also on December 16, 30 -130 men dressed as Mohawks climbed aboard and threw 320 chests of tea overboard which took them approx. hours. This was the last straw. When the colonists threw the tea overboard, they also threw away Britain’s sympathy towards them. This angered Britain because in the past the colonist have done many protests and boycotts to tick them off and throwing 320 chests of tea overboard caused Britain a great loss. So to get revenge on the people of Mass. , G. B passed the Intolerable Acts or the Coercive Acts essay writer price. This means that the Boston Tea Party played a huge role in causing the Intolerable Acts.These Acts closed the Boston Harbor until the Bostonians pay off the company for the tea, allowed British officials to go back to Britain for trial by jury if they were accused of crime and also allowed the governor to house soldiers in suitable quarters. And finally to put fuel in the fire, Britain gave the land south of the Ohio River Valley to Quebec. To sum it up, G. B. passed the Tea Act which angered the colonists so they threw tea which angered G. B so they passed the Intolerable Acts. I think this event is the most influential because right after this, Britain passed the intolerable acts.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Essay and Research Paper Essay

Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. There is a true saying that everyone knows: playing sports is very good for our health. Playing sport helps us stay in shape, builds up our teamwork skill, and makes us consistent players. But there is a truth that not many people can realize: spending too much time on sports may cause some bad influences. Especially when it comes to young children. They need a balanced schedule so that they can take advantage and avoid some disadvantages of playing sports First, playing sports is necessary for everyone to reserve good health. It is proven by scientists that doing exercises or playing sports regularly helps people stay in a good shape, and helps avoid some health problems such as heart attack or blood pressure. For those reasons, young children should spend time in playing sport everyday. But if they spend too much time on that, they will not have enough time to participate in many other interesting and useful activities, such as going on a picnic with their friends or learning to play musical instruments†¦Even worse, they may not spend enough time on study. Second, playing sports helps young children develop their team-work skill. Usually when playing sport, they will be allocated into teams. By trying to connect with other team members to win to the game, they will learn how to get along with people, how to understand other people’s ideas, and how to coordinate with the others to get the best result, not only in sports, but also in study or in a working environment. But still, if they spend too much time on playing sports, there will be a disadvantage for young children, since they spend too much time hanging on with the others in a team, will not know how to handle problems alone, resulting in performing badly when working independently. Lastly, playing sports helps children learn how to stand up after failing, making them competitive in any tournament. It is definite that everyone will fail at least once when they play sport. The desire of being the winner urges them to try more and more. The more they try, the better.they become, but once they are so involved in the game, they somehow become so aggressive. Some will try anything to win, and some will even play unfairly to be the winner. The stories about the soccer players using drugs or the players fighting in a game are clear evidences to the disadvantage of playing sport when it is not under control.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Advertising Light Beer Essay

Our group decided to focus on light beer that is targeted to mainly college students. Since our clients are college students, we wanted to relate to their preferences of mainly inexpensive beer. We agreed to focus on competitors such as Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light, who all target mainly college students. According to an online article â€Å"Social Media Overview of Coors light, Bud Light, and Dogfish Head Brewery† Coors Light beer is one of the most popular beer brands in North America. Coors Light’s target demographic appears to be college students. After researching Coors Light’s social media we have learned that they do not update their Twitter page on a regular basis. In fact, their first â€Å"tweet† on Twitter was back in October 2009 that wrote, â€Å"Coors light BC is now on Twitter! This is your home base for the most up to date Coors Light Information, check here for event info and more.† Also, the only official Coors Light Twi tter account is named @CoorsLightBC, created from British Columbia and Canada. The article explains that since the creation of the Coors Light account, the company has only achieved a few over four hundred followers, and only having forty nine tweets. When searching, Coors Light on Facebook, the Canadian website appears, which only has a little over one hundred â€Å"likes† and only posted one picture that did not have an explanation beneath it describing the picture. Coors Light makes it difficult for its company to build brand awareness and drive customer engagement, which social media is greatly used to do. Coors Light’s Facebook page is bare and not informative. Since Coors Light targets their beer towards mainly college students, which most college students have Facebook pages, we feel that this puts Coors Light at a disadvantage. Since they are not updating statuses on Facebook or interacting with Facebook friends, they are not building brand awareness or driving customer engagement through this medium. Bud Light is the â€Å"number one selling beer† in the United States, according to an online article from Social Media Overview. Before researching, our group thought that Bud Light and Coors would be heavily involved with social media. However, we were surprised to see that the two large industries do not rely on social media. Bud Light does not have a Twitter account, however Budweiser does. Although Bud Light does not rely on Twitter to promote its beer, Bud Light is active on Facebook. Our group likes the updated format and timeline that Bud Light’s Facebook page has to offer. The pictures are appealing and they have over thousands of â€Å"likes.† The official website offers a place where you can watch the video ads for Bud Light, which was a good thing to include in the site. It also states at the top of the page that it is the official sponsor of the NFL. In addition, Bud Light Platinum has its own page, which it gives descriptions and other interesting information. For example, Bud Light’s well developed page offers Facebook friends chances to win contests along with other promotions. Our group enjoyed reading status updates on Bud Light’s page that tries to engage conversation with Facebook friends. In addition to Bud Light using Facebook frequently, Miller Lite plays an active role using Facebook to communicate with customers. Miller Lite uses its Facebook page to advertise its products, celebrity endorsements, videos, along with contests also. Miller’s Facebook page is easily accessed through visiting Miller Lite’s home website page. When looking for Miller Lite on Twitter, Miller Lite MX and Miller Lite Panama are the first two to appear, which both are in mostly Spanish. However, both Miller Lite Twitter accounts have over one thousand followers, and tweet consistently on a daily basis. We found it confusing trying to find Miller Lite’s U.S. Twitter page, since the other two accounts were in Spanish we did not find Twitter to be very useful to learn about Miller Lite. The Miller Lite website uses celebrity endorsements such as NASCAR driver Brad Keselowski and there is a button to follow Brad on Twitter. There is also a Miller Lite shop where you can purchase hats, t-shirts, etc online. We liked how they had a place on the website where you can find stores that sell Miller Lite near you and locate them. There was also a video blog with the Miller Lite commercials. Our group has learned that many popular and profitable companies do not frequently update their Facebook or Twitter page. However, being involved with social media can benefit companies greatly by giving them the opportunities to build brand awareness and drive customer engagement Works Cited!/miller.lite3!/pages/BUD-Light-Platinum/270969619613664

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Media Violence Outline Essay

I. Introduction A. Thesis Statement You are what you watch. Easy to say, and not too difficult to imagine either. A little over a decade ago, two boys who later became household names in America, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into Columbine High School in Colorado and went on a mass murdering spree where they killed 12 students, 1 teacher and injured 23 others before shooting themselves (Anderson & Dill, 2008). While their motives behind doing so cannot be ascertained, one possible contributing element which did surface was the influence of violent video games. At the risk of oversimplifying what is possibly a complex psychological minefield, Harris and Klebold did enjoy playing a game called Doom, which is licensed by the American military for the purpose of training soldiers to kill effectively. Harris had customized his own version of this game and put it up on his website, which was later tracked by The Simon Wisenthal Center (Anderson & Dill, 2008). This version of the game had two shooters with an unlimited supply of weapons and ammunition, and their targets lacked the ability to retaliate. A class project required them to make a video of themselves similar to the game, and in it, they dressed in trench coats, armed with weapons, and conduct the massacre of school athletes. Less than one year had gone by when Harris and Klebold played their videotape out, in real life, and became the protagonists of the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history (Anderson & Dill, 2008). II. Body paragraph #1 There is nothing new about the presence of violence in our tools of entertainment. Whether they were ancient Greek dramas, theatre in the Elizabethan era or the modern electronic dramas of today, a healthy dose of violence was never missing. In Macbeth for instance, Shakespeare showed Macbeth’s head being brought on stage at the end of the play (Bushman & Anderson, 2001). The Great Train Robbery, an 11-minute film directed by Edwin S. Porter was the first firm considered to tell a story in a systematic manner. In one scene, he shows an intense scene where a cowboy fires a pistol directly at the camera, which when first showed to audiences, had them running out of the theaters in disarray and fear (Bushman & Anderson, 2001). A. Since the advent of media itself, there have been countless studies on the connection between depiction of violence in media and its occurrence in real life. B. Discussions, debates, conclusions and grey areas have all been further examined and while television is the most prominent target of accusations, comic books, jazz, rock and roll music and video games have not escaped blame either. C. Research on this topic started as early as the 1960s when television was a recent entrant in the media fray and a causal connection has been derived between media violence and aggressive behavior. III. Body paragraph #2 Opponents fuss over the definition and measurement of media violence, does actual physical bodily harm constitute violence or can a threatening statement also be deemed so? Then, does media violence cause aggression, or are the two simply associated? Consistency of the relationship also causes doubts over agreed upon data when the example of Japan is quoted, where violent media is extremely common, yet crime rates are significantly low  (Anderson & Dill, 2008). Then is media solely to blame for violence in society? Doesn’t that take the blame away from a lot of other contributing factors in society itself and make the argument generally unrealistic? A. All these issues and thorny areas can be settled by the simple logic of the social learning theory which proposes that when people see that a certain behavior causes positive or desired results, there is a high probability of them imitating and enacting that behavior (in this case, violent) themselves (Anderson & Dill, 2008). B. So while the strength of the relationship and the presence of other factors and the measurement of violence itself can be debated till the end of time, the fact remains, when children view aggressive behavior and violence in cartoons, video games, movies, as well as on the internet, it encourages similar tendencies in them and these children are more likely to be aggressive as children and later as adults. C. Research started as early as 1956 when researchers analyzed and compared the behavior of 24 children, half of whom had watched an episode of the cartoon Woody Woodpecker with distinct depictions of aggressive behavior, while the other half were exposed to the cartoon The Little Red Hen which did not depict any violence at all (Huesmann. 2003). IV. Body paragraph #3 Studies have also shown that the kind of violence which affects their psyche and causes them to model their behavior as depicted in media is when they can associate real life with the situation depicted, because they can identify with the character responsible for the violence and observe him/her/it getting rewarded for the violence. A. Research conducted by Boyatzis, Matillo and Nesbit (Gunter & McAleer, 1997) proved earlier theories about media violence getting encoded in the cognitive map of viewers and subsequently instigating violent thoughts and acts upon repeated viewings. B. The popular children’s series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was used to prove that after watching a single episode from this show, children incorporated more aggression into their play with other children. C. Results showed that children who had seen the episode became significantly more aggressive at play the following day as compared to the children from the control group: V. Body paragraph #4 TV is not the sole culprit in this regard. Other mediums and tools of entertainment have an equal role to play. In â€Å"Effects of Video Games on Aggressive Thoughts and Behaviors During Development†, Koojimans (2004) explains the General Aggression Model – the name coined for the phenomenon which explains how video games and their depictions of violence influence people and make them more susceptible of indulging in violent behavior themselves. This model elaborates on how various situational and personological factors combine to influence a person’s internal state which includes his thoughts, feelings and physical arousals (Koojimans, 2004). A. Research conducted on video games by Nicoll and Kieffer, presented to the American Psychological Association as â€Å"Violence in Video Games: A Review of the Empirical Research† found that youth upon playing a violent video game, if only for a short while, displayed more aggressive behavior than before (Nicoll & Kieffer, 2005). B. Another study was conducted with more than 600 students of 8th and 9th grade as participants and showed that children who played more video games also had more of a tendency to get involved in arguments with their seniors and other teachers, and they would also be more likely to get into physical rows with their peers (Nicoll & Kieffer, 2005). C. Not only that but it was also found that children who spent more time watching video games imitate the characters they acted out in the video game and their moves while playing with their friends. VI. Conclusion The plethora of research knowledge available about the effects of violence in the media definitely supports initial concerns about media violence as well as the efforts to control its harmful effects. While causality can be debated till time eternal, what can’t be denied and what should absolutely not be brushed under the carpet for any longer is that a steady diet of violence does in fact instigate violent tendencies in viewers, be it through violent television programs, movies, cartoons, video games or any other forms of entertainment which incorporate violence in various forms. Media today plays a key role in nourishing children’s minds, and for the larger case of public health and societal betterment, we need to ensure that we provide more nourishing fare for our children and youth. Reducing their exposure to violent media is definitely the first step in the right direction, with the potential to yield positive benefits. An intervention is needed before we start reaping the seeds of aggression and rebellion that have been planted in young minds owing to careless media policies. References Anderson, Craig and Karen Dill. â€Å"Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78 (2008): 772-790. Bushman, Brad and Craig Anderson. â€Å"Media Violence and the American Public: Scientific Fact Versus Media Misinformation† American Psychologist 56 (2001): 477-489. Gunter, Barry and Jill McAleer. Children and Television (second edition), Routledge: London, 1997. Huesmann, L. Rowell, Jessica Moise-Titus, Cheryll-Lynn Podolski, and Leonard Eron. â€Å"Longitudinal Relations between Children’s Exposure to TV Violence and their Aggressive and Violent Behavior in Young Adulthood: 1977-1992.† Developmental Psychology 39 (2003): 201-221. Kooijmans, Thomas. â€Å"Effects of Video Games on Aggressive Thoughts and Behaviors During Development†. Rochester Institute of Technology. 2004 Nicoll, Jessica and Kevin M. Kieffer. â€Å"Violence in Video Games: A Review of the Empirical Research.† Presentation to the American Psychological Association, August 2005.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Controlling the Cyber-conduct of Young People Essay

Controlling the Cyber-conduct of Young People - Essay Example t monitoring and controlling the cyber-conduct of young people regularly is an irrational proposition, this work claims that regular monitoring is an essential element of real-life society and that both online and offline activities of young people require regular observation and control due to various social, psychological, and biological factors. To begin with, the opposition claims that it is necessary to keep observers away from the activities of children. To illustrate, Bristow opines that â€Å"Allowing children their freedom means keeping the regulators out of what is, after all, Their Space† (par. 8). This claim highlights the fact that monitoring the activities of children online will negatively affect their freedom, and hence, development. In addition, there is the argument that restricting children’s internet access has a negative effect, as it will adversely affect their decision-making abilities. For example, Paton claims that â€Å"Restricting pupils’ access to websites may actually impair their judgment, making them more vulnerable to pedophiles on-line† (par. 1). This argument supports the view that internet observation and controlling will deter children’s ability to judge and act independently. Moreover, Bristow points out that â€Å"Just as the stranger at the swimming poo l is highly unlikely to abduct our children, mobile phones are not about to lure them into the great unknown† (par. 3). Here, the claim is that internet does not pose any more threat than real life does. In total, the opposition seems adamant on the argument that observation and control of children’s activities on the net is an irrational proposition. Firstly, young people’s brain is not fully developed to facilitate rational and cognitive thinking every time, and hence, are more vulnerable to err when there is freedom. For instance, American Psychological Association points out, â€Å"Neuropsychological research demonstrates that the adolescent brain has not reached adult

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Canadian politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Canadian politics - Essay Example According to proponents of reforms, the way in which the system operates now. With twenty?four senators per region plus six assigned to Newfoundland and Labrador; does not reflect the political reality of contemporary Canadian federal relations. Of these one is for the Northwest Territories i.e. Yukon and Nunavut. These senators are appointed by the prime minister to serve until the age of seventy?five as per the current constitution. This arrangement of the upper house has never gone down well with Prime Minister Harper and together with the conservatives has always wanted to reform the senate in order to make it more efficient. These he advocates through the policy of the triple E that stands for equal, elected and effective. However, Harper keeps following the tradition of patronage that he so criticized while in the opposition. His government has tried severally to pass bills that do limit the tenure of senators to between 8 and 12 years through the introductions of bills that al so provide a legislative frame work for the election of senators. These efforts were to form the basis for the governor general appointment of new senators on the advice of the prime minister. These bills were unsuccessfully introduced by his government seven times in the 39th and 40th parliament but did not sail through as the conservatives were a minority in the house at the time. In the 41st parliament, Mr. Harper had a majority in the house hence the agenda to reform the senate was introduced through two previous bills that were now introduced as one i.e. Bill C-7, the senate reform act. This bill sort to reform the selection of senators and set there were term limits by amending of the constitutional act of 1867. The assumption was that since the conservative had now a majority in the house this bill will surely pass. Note that the Canadian parliament has powers bestowed to it to amend parts of the constitution that exclusively fall within its jurisdiction. The bill intended to achieve this through legislation and both parts of the bill were indeed inline with the Constitution Act of 1982. It was therefore constitutional in principle (Thompson 64). The bill however did not pass into law due to pertinent issues that were raised by the opposition and this goad the prime minister through the governor general to seek guidance from the court concerning the matter. There were two contentious issues, one relating to the framework to be used for electing nominees for senate appointments from the province. This concerned matters relating to recommendation for senate nominees to the governor general from a list from the provinces or territories. This list is for those who will have been elected through an election held inline with the provincial or territorial laws drawn in accordance with the framework. The second was the pertinent issue about the tenure of the senators to a one off nine year limit. The nature of the Canadian parliament from the past is that senat ors have generally been in office for an average period of between 9.7 years since 1975. Therefore, the provision in Bill C-7 was to limit the tenure of senators to a one term of 9 years would in a real sense have no political or constitutional effect per see (Thompson 96). Thus, the character of the parliament would roughly remain the same. However section 29A right up to 31 of the constitution states that a person referred to in subsection (1) whose term is interrupted may be summoned again to

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assessment 1---accounting for decision making Essay

Assessment 1---accounting for decision making - Essay Example This indicates that the assets used by the company to generate profits increased relatively more than the income generated from those assets. As a result, ROA of the company declined from 2008 to 2010. d) Yes, the company should worry about the decreasing trend in its quick ratio. This indicates that the company does not have ample liquid assets to repay its short term obligations. The creditors would become reluctant to sell goods on credit if the company does not improve its quick ratio. f) The company has a low sale turnover ratio which indicates that the assets are not being fully utilized to generate revenue and there is too much investment in unproductive assets. Furthermore, the company has a very low debt to assets ratio which indicates that the company is not utilizing the opportunity to use debt as a means of growing its business. Company should dispose of the unproductive assets and use the cashflow generated for paying of its short term debts and improve its liquidity. Moreover, the company should make use of long term debt for the growth of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Globalization - Research Paper Example It comes with a cost-benefit package (Faux, 2007). The export and the import of the nation get affected due to globalization. So, the policies previously formulated e.g. in United States hampered export. It affected the currency value of the country, the value of goods and services with job losses. The trade practice gets affected if globalization is not in the favor of the domestic country. Some restrictions are required so as to prevent the middle and the small class of the businesses to bear the heat of globalization (Imade, 2003). The products and the services sold in the global market generate foreign currency. The products and services that are availed in the domestic country of the globalized world helps in the flow of currency from own economy to the other economy. So, the balance of payment gets affected. The balance of payment shows a negative balance which implies the country is facing problem in terms of international trade. The balance of payment should be always positive or equal vent in nature so as to minimize the risk of currency value in the world economy. Globalization also gives an opportunity of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), which means inflow of foreign currencies for investment purposes through companies within the domestic country which also increases the economic strength of the nation. But also as it is foreign money, the return related to it would also be transferred to the foreign investor. Ultimately, the big corporate gets the advantage of foreign currency and grows further (Heakal, 2010). Both the transacting parties can gain absolute advantage from globalization. Specialization in terms of technology or labour gives opportunity to produce goods or services at a low cost and gets them exported. The imported goods or services come at a low cost in comparison to its manufacturing cost in the country. By this way, it is expected that the values of goods and services comes at a cheap rate. But if the policy is formulated is in

Food Insecurity in Ethiopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Food Insecurity in Ethiopia - Essay Example Ethiopia has a population of approximately 75 million people, making it the second most heavily populated country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the people in Ethiopia rely on agriculture as the main means of subsistence, and the agricultural industry is controlled by smallholder agriculture. The risk of famine in Ethiopia is extremely high. With the fast increase in population, food shortage has escalated. The researcher gives some explanations on Ethiopian market, that is still weak, with extensive price fluctuations and instability. Besides fast increasing population, the causes of food insecurity include incompetence in the organisational, institutional, policy, market, and production sectors. Food security is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a condition â€Å"when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life†. Due to the complexity of the causes of famine, manifold measures are needed to le ssen or totally prevent it from occurring. To conclude, the researcher sums up that food insecurity in Ethiopia has been primarily caused by rapid growth of population, environmental destruction, and overexploitation of natural resources, recurring drought, climate change, poverty, and civil conflicts. Ethiopian governments have made an attempt to resolve the country’s food insecurity. Unfortunately, as the researcher states none of these measures have effectively dealt with the issue. Therefore, drastically new measures are needed.

Monday, September 9, 2019

MGT 3190 Cross Cultural Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MGT 3190 Cross Cultural Management - Essay Example This strategy along with others that have to do with market segmentation and brand positioning for maximum customer satisfaction has been used by the Mattel Company in order to evolve a strategy that is best suited for the purpose of an entry level product in a diverse global market. Therefore, a good entry-level strategy for the Mattel Company has involved introducing the fact that Barbie has an international face as it can be modified to cater to any kind of culture or country. In this regard, there has been long-term growth through the management of the immediate and other short-term risks. In this case, the main risk came from losing its exclusivity, which can be tackled through the direct investment strategy. (Finnigan, 2001) The Japanese market did not take very kindly to the Mattel Company's Barbie. This was basically due to the fact that the Japanese market did not understand Barbie with her long legs and wide chest. The physical attributes did not conform to the general attributes of Japanese women. This was a major problem apart from stiff competition from the doll names Takara which was a huge success in the Japanese market. Despite trying to strike a partnership with Takara, Barbie did not do very well. (Chonko, 1999) In order to do better business, Mattel could have first of all changed the way Barbie looked, to a certain degree. Even though, its priority list speaks of countries like UK and Australia as strategic places for expansion, internationalisation in today's world would mean a westward as well as an eastward growth owing to the fact that the East is booming and almost at par with the West as far as politics and economies are concerned. As an entry point mode, a company dealing with such products needs to make a more individualistic statement so as to avoid cheap imitations, which is what happened in the case of the Japanese market when it came up with its own 'Japanese Barbie' after the agreement between Mattel and Takara fell through. This calls for a mix of passive as well as consumer centric activities at the location as well as around it for better cultural orientation and market segmentation. For this, it is important to touch the pulse of the target consumers by being accessible to them distance wise and culture wise. Therefore, it will be found that for an entry level product in an international market, exploring the retail market is the best option. The direct investment strategy is the best one for the entry mode strategy. According to the entry level mode strategy, it is important for the product to take the characteristics of its target market into account apart from the investment plan it will follow in the course of going international. (Walter et al, 1988) In this regard, the entry level mode can be applied to find the areas where there is competitive advantage so as to find variations in the large consumer base that this product can enjoy in Japan. This will assist the company in finding an appropriate contractual or intermediate strategy that may be customised to fit into the Indian market in terms of segmentation. With franchising, licensing and other activities that will promote an

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Disney World Value Driven Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Disney World Value Driven - Term Paper Example Value driven management has a significant goal of value maximization over a given period. The aim of this work is to show how Disney World is linked to value driven management. Disney World is a diversified mass media corporation for multination. It is the biggest in terms of revenue generation. It was founded in 1923 as a cartoon studio. It has its products ranging from cable television, publishing, movies, theme parks, broadcasting, radio, web portals, and offers licensing services. In order for Disney World to be successful, it took value driven management into action. The owner, Walt Disney, had a form of self-assessment and the knowledge to operate the company. He was committed towards bringing new products to the market. This led to the growth of the company that enabled it to survive even in tough economic times of the US that existed in the late 1930s and early 1940s (Capodagli & Jackson, 2006). This self-assessment tool is a feature of value driven management. One other grea t feature that connects the Disney World to value driven management is its diversification of products. The company did not focus only on film production but it also thought of introducing new products to meet the competing customer needs. It had some other products like television debuts and theme park that quickly became successful. In order to achieve this, Disney solicited sponsorships that acted as cost subsidizers and it merchandised (Capodagli & Jackson, 2006). Value driven management aims at value creation in order to cope with the changing times and to meet customer needs. Companies that do nothing about their products end up failing and therefore there is need for companies to keep on differentiating their products as time changes. The products of a company have to be unique at all times as this maintains the competitive nature of the company. This is what has maintained the growth of Disney World from the founding times to its present days. Walt Disney was a pioneer in cr eating unique animations that impressed both children and adults (Capodagli & Jackson, 2006). He always applied skills and knowledge to his creativity making the products to be unique. Value driven management aims at no stopping even in adverse conditions. Value driven management is built with optimism. Disney had discouragements even from his family members and one of his projects was even termed as Disney’s Folly. His projects got him bankrupt at some points but he never had the attitude of stopping. He tried to look for funding of his work from film producers and in the process, he found one that funded snow white, which became a successful film and this is what made him begin his feature films (Capodagli & Jackson, 2006). The real study of ideas by the World Disney has also played a major part in its success. On top of that, the management always believes in new projects. The confidence that that members have enables them to build ideas out of everything. His idea of Disn ey Land for example, was based on a park in Missouri. The idea of train had run in his mind at childhood age and he brought it to his creation of Disney Land (Capodagli & Jackson, 2006). Revision and reform is a feature of value driven management that ensures that ideas are more than static. The success of Disney’s world also comes from Disney’s commitment for success. His dreams played a major role in the development of Disney’

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Bells by Allen Poe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Bells by Allen Poe - Essay Example The clanging and clamor of the brazen bells showed how the tales of terror have engulfed the world (Poe 23). The groaning and moaning of the iron bells shows how the melancholy menace of the tone has given rise to the world of solemn. In all the stanzas in the poem, the auditory and visual imagery, as well as sound and musical devices, got well incorporated. In the first section, the silver bells get considered as happy bells. The bells give cheerful and vivid sound, and visualization of the night. The rhythm of the silver bells gives rhyming sound and feelings to the poem. This stanza ends with a calm note, which makes a person listen to the cheerful tinkling and jingling of the silver bells. The theme of happiness gets well elaborated in this stanza. Fun and excitement gets well distinction by the bells. The poem also tells us that happiness could not be made by the feelings of joy alone, but it must be combined with peace and harmony (Poe 14). The second section of the poem introd uces another bell, which goes by the name golden bell. The sound of the bells still gives a happy feeling, but without hype in it. Golden bells are usually gold in color, which symbolizes beauty, calmness, and harmony. Here, the symbol faithfulness and love gets well illustrated by the turtle dove. The bells give out harmonious and pleasant sound, which flow voluminously. The theme of happiness gets well recognition in this section as the stanza ends with a cheerful mood (Poe 20). In the third section, the poem takes a turn from cheerful mood to fearful mood. Here, the bells beg for mercy, but the fire gets crazy and out of control. Repetition gets widely used in this stanza. The raging fire symbolizes the scary, crazy, and dark side of life. The bells give out a loud, repeated noise and wild uproar full of terror (Poe 18). The theme of fear gets detailed in this section. The sound of bells brings out the feeling of fear and panic. In this section, the emotions of joy and terror get well intertwined. The nightmare of fear and insanity gets well elaborated in the theme. Iron bells get introduced in the fourth section. Iron is not the most precious metal when compared to brass, gold, and silver. Hence, it symbolizes the degrading curve of happiness. Here, the bells drain terror and fills the air with solemn thought using a single melody. The bells get personified by ringing sound out of their throats. The sound of bells makes everything seem lifeless, passionless and empty (Poe 15). Rolling sound of the bells on the human heart brings out a miserable and unpleasant picture. This section ends with a sad note. The theme of death gets well explained in this stanza. Death is the most vital theme in this poem as it ends in chaos and fears. Symbols got used in the entire poem. Each bell got made from different types of metals. The value of each bell got depreciated as well the mood of the poem changed from happy to sad. Silver is a shiny and precious metal, which gets associated with joyful mood. In the second section, golden bells got used. Gold gets associated with permanence, love and wealth. Hence, the golden bells symbolize happiness, calmness and harmony. The brazen bells created scary atmosphere in the third stanza of the poem. Brass is a tough, hard and less precious metal, when compared to both the silver and gold. Brazen bells symbolize noise, fear and danger. The night also had much influence in the shifts of the moods. The