Friday, December 27, 2019

Benefits of Cloning Essay examples - 737 Words

Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through the use of a DNA sample. After the first cloned sheep dolly was created, many people were keen in knowing more about cloning and its benefit to society. Additionally, many of us want to know the pros and con the disadvantages and possible risks it may have on society and mankind. Most importantly, there are three types of cloning, therapeutic, reproductive, and embryonic cloning. These types of cloning are all ways of scientists trying to find ways to produce a living organism or organs. Undoubtedly, cloning is a topic that raises many question when brought up within society. However we can’t dismiss the fact that the process could benefit the lives of human†¦show more content†¦This is a form of therapeutic cloning in which scientists use embryo to grow human organs. Most importantly, it could be used to improve the quantity and quality of our foods products. However, this form of cloning is actually destroying our human embryos, which initially causes many to wonder whether this idea of cloning id worth it in the end. Recently, there has been the idea of scientists trying to clone animals for food. Although products from cloned animals are more likely to be safe, we still have to do a more comprehensive study to examine the safety of the foods. Mellon (2006) argued that If consumers arent going to be told if their meat is from a clone, FDA has to be certain that meat is safe (para.2)†. It’s important that consumers know what is entering their body because if the cloned products causes the consumer to get sick, then the consumer have the right to take any legal action against the FDA. In addition, just because a cloned organism may appear normal, doesn’t mean that it may not have any genetic defect; cause most of the time many cloned organisms always seem to have a genetic defect that causes them to die at an early age. Unquestionably, cloning is a good way for scientists to find new developing cells or genetically transform an organism. However, it could have an enormous impact within our society. Many scientists are now starting to realize that cloning could lead to psychological harm uponShow MoreRelatedThe Potential Benefits Of Cloning1068 Words   |  5 PagesCloning Cloning has been one of the most widely discussed and controversial scientific topics in the past decade. Cloning has been applied in many fields including the creation of new breeds of plants and animals. However, the cloning of plants has been practiced for hundreds of years. Cloning can be done on a larger level in animals and has potential benefits. The general process of cloning is to take one cell from the parent making the offspring and parent genetically identical (Tsunoda andRead MoreThe Benefits of Cloning Essay1095 Words   |  5 PagesThe Advantages of Cloning The first successfully cloned mammal was created on February of 1997. It was a breakthrough in scientific research when the Scottish scientists cloned a sheep by the name of Dolly. The method of cloning requires the extraction of DNA from anywhere on a subjects body and inserting that DNA into a womans egg. Worldwide attention was turned to the prospect of human cloning and with a push for sweeping prohibition (Tribe 459) legislatures around the world banned anyRead MoreThe Benefits of Human Cloning1337 Words   |  6 PagesThe Benefits of Human Cloning There are many ways in which in which human cloning is expected to benefit mankind. Below is a list that is far from complete. †¢ Dr. Richard Seed, one of the leading proponents of human cloning technology, suggests that it may someday be possible to reverse the aging process because of what we learn from cloning. †¢ Human cloning technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning theirRead MoreBenefits of Cloning Essay1375 Words   |  6 PagesBenefits of Cloning What if while walking down the street you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Would you stare in amazement or would your heart be filled with fear? At first some people may look upon the idea of cloning with disgust and question themselves if humans should play God while others would be interested and study the many possibilities that cloning offers. This illustrates the path that cloning has taken over the latter part of the twentieth century. At first, whenRead More The Benefits of Cloning Essay970 Words   |  4 PagesThe Benefits of Cloning Imagine having a twin that looks and acts exactly like you. Even more interesting this twin is a product of scientific cloning. If scientists have their way, identical replicas of human beings will be roaming the earth. This scientific vision may occur a lot more recent then many think. Cloning can be (better) understood by looking at it’s definition, process, and some examples. This first step to better understanding cloning is to hear precisely what it is. CloningRead MoreEssay on Benefits of Human Cloning614 Words   |  3 PagesBenefits of Human Cloning Some of the Benefits of cloning are very appealing. Listed below are some of the benefits which could be possible with the use of cloning technology: †¢ Rejuvenation. Dr. Richard Seed, one of the leading proponents of human cloning technology, suggests that it may someday be possible to reverse the aging process because of what we learn from cloning. †¢ Human cloning technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treatRead More The Benefits of Cloning Research Essay1449 Words   |  6 PagesThe Benefits of Cloning Research   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"To be or not to be†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the last fifty years new forms of technology have been the center of attention for every human being. It seems that every day scientists come up with some new, perhaps even controversial, and exciting ways to improve the quality of life. These new technologies affect every aspect of life, as we know it. One such technology is the research being done in the area of cloning. Cloning is the production of one or more cells, individualRead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Human Cloning1005 Words   |  5 PagesThe Benefits of Human Cloning In recent years, many new breakthroughs in the areas of science and technology have been discovered. A lot of these discoveries have been beneficial to scientific community and to the people of the world. One of the newest breakthroughs is the ability to clone. Ever since Ian Wilmut and his co-workers completed the successful cloning of an adult sheep named Dolly, there has been an ongoing debate on whether it is right or wrong to continueRead More The Benefits of Cloning Essay examples1063 Words   |  5 PagesThe Advantages of Cloning      Ã‚   People often question whether or not cloning is morally acceptable in our society, and also if it is worth all the money that we spend on research for cloning.   It is hard to believe that not to long ago many people believed that joining a sperm and an egg in a test tube was considered to be morally wrong.   It is now used by millions of doctors around the world.   Cloning is at the beginning stages of being considered morally unacceptable and will soonRead MoreThe Benefits Of Human Reproductive Cloning989 Words   |  4 PagesIn measuring the benefits, human reproductive cloning would be advantageous to the well-being of humans and because it is a fulfillment of personal autonomy. Firstly, this technique is a sound method for infertile couples to have a genetically related ‘child’ and it is a method to provide a patient medical treatment in a form of gene therapy or organ transplants (Hayry 2003). Secondly, the value of personal self-governan ce has been emphasized by human traditions in which the liberty of individuals

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Women as Victims of Crime - 1823 Words

Women as Victims of Crimes Elisha M. Snead Women in Crime April.24, 2012 Gender violence is a prevalent problem worldwide, touching all aspects of women’s lives from the home to the workplace to the street. Efforts to understand the nature global extent of violence against women are recent activism and building on gender violence is in a period of fast development. In this paper I will discuss what violence against women is, signs of abuse, I will also discuss the increasing violence against women, the types of violence against women, laws on violence against women and getting help for violence. What is violence against women one might ask? Webster’s dictionary defines violence as and exertion of physical force as to injure or†¦show more content†¦The study surveyed 73,600 individuals in 41,500 households. Among all violent crimes, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault showed the largest increases. The projected number of violent crimes committed by intimate partners against women increased from 389,100 in 2005 to 554,260 in the 2007 report (Adams 129). By comparison, the number of violent crimes against men by intimate partners went down. This shows that women are being victimized more often. The National Crime Victimization Survey is conducted every two years; the data is gathered in phone calls made to a sample of households across the United States. Some criticism from experts in the subject caused the survey to be adjusted in 2007 to capture more accurately the incidence of gender-based violence. Two major shifts were to describe types of sexual assault to those being interviewed, and to replace computer-assisted telephone interviews conducted from two telephone centers nationwide with interviews by field representatives either by telephone or in person according to (Remarks 120). There are many types of violent crimes committed against women. Dating violence is when one person purposely hurts or scares someone they are dating. Dating violence happens to people of all races, cultures, incomes, and education levels. It can happen on a first date, or when you are deeply in love. It can happen whether you are young orShow MoreRelatedCriminal Victimization : Lifetime Prevalence, Reporting, And Psychological Impact948 Words   |  4 PagesIt looks as if women are meant to be the prey of any crime. More than often it is seen as a cliche to see women as the victim in crime. Though it is true; â€Å"Criminal Victimization: Lifetime Prevalence, Reporting to Police, and Psychological Impact†, is a study on the percentage of women that have been made victims, and the future out out come of the wome. The article is by Dean G. Kilpatrick and colleagues. 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They also tend to present women as shallow stereotypesRead MoreThe Second Rape Essay1024 Words   |  5 Pagespart of a behavior and not a crime. Women are often given tips on how to avoid being raped or how to defend themselves from being rape (Gerdes). Society, in fact, is making people understand rape and cope around it when it’s unacceptable. Once society acknowledges that rape is bound to happen to any woman, rapists tend to blame the victim. There are several factors in which rape victims are being held responsible for the crime and not the rapist. Rape is a crime of sexual violence that can causeRead MoreVictim Blaming By The Canadian Resource Center For Victims Of Crime1212 Words   |  5 Pages What is Victim Blaming? Victim blaming is defined by the Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime as â€Å"a devaluing act that occurs when the victim of a crime is held responsible †¦ for the crimes that have been committed against them†(2). 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It does not matter if the shows are complete fiction or narratives and reenactments of a real crime that has taken place. The gore, violence, and pure disgust keeps these viewers coming back week after week. These crime-based television shows portray women in traditional gender roles, normally a homemaker with no job in the workforce. They also tend to present women as shallow stereotypes

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Adulthood Psychology

Question: Write an essay on Adulthood Psychology? Answer: This research essay is going to analyze the adulthood and adolescence period comes to a human being. The researcher specifically studies and centers its focus on a specific article of Emerging Adults: The in-between Age by Christopher Munsey. At the same time the researcher brings comparison of different theoretical approaches. Among the stages of Eriksons psychological development, adulthood is considered to be the ages from 20 to 35 who are typically healthy, active and defiant in their approaches. On the contrary, Augustus-Horvath and Tylka (2011) mentions from stage 6 to 8 of Erikson theory are conferred as adult period. Building of the sense of personal identity is the main criteria of an adult. Along with the physical changes, a human being encounters the cognitive and emotional changes which helps to take a long stride from childhood. Munseys article projects that an emerging adult has to face some of the typical features of life: craving to set its own identity, self-centeredness, mental instability, age of possibilities and others ( 2015). Freudian theory of psychological changes seem to completely affirm this fact. An adult person conquers power to struggle and fight with all the adversities. An adult becomes capable to shouldering up the responsibilities of its family and own and gradually masters power to handle all the difficulties. Education is the most significant idealistic feature that an adult seem to conquer upon. Research shows with increase of higher education scopes, adults of America are becoming more fascinated by higher education. They comes on the professional field in much later age. But on the contrary, in the Asian continent people prefers study after hopping in any profession. Ehrlich et al. (2015) for this reason has although put economic contradiction responsible mostly. With adulthood comes adolescence abilities which makes a person to meet the physical and sexual appetites. Augustus-Horvath and Tylka (2011) observe practically the age of a man to be married is 22 and for a woman 20. But this seems to vary from culture to culture and society to society. In American society, a research of Soubelet and Salthouse (2011) projects in 68% cases girls seem to become pregnant before marriage which is barely 7.43% in the Asian societies. The research of Arnett projects that the demand of an adult from the life and the contemporary society is a lot: acquiring a well-paid job, maintain sophistication, keeping good bonding with the partner and so on. But in most of the cases, all of the demands and desires of an adult never get fulfilled. This brings depression, frustration and disappointment. Sharon (2015) has critically stated that the psychophysical mentality of a person seems to get disturbed in this situation. It not only creates disturbance in the life of an adult at the same time it brings mental problems. This age dwindles between incognizance and responsibilities. People runs after establishing its identities. There are several loopholes in this age which often seem to create distractions as well. As being elevated from childhood one faces the teething competition of life. There lies the challenge and it is the stage to prove power and ordinance. Reference List: Augustus-Horvath, Casey L., and Tracy L. Tylka. 2011. 'The Acceptance Model Of Intuitive Eating: A Comparison Of Women In Emerging Adulthood, Early Adulthood, And Middle Adulthood.'.Journal Of Counseling Psychology58 (1): 110-125. doi:10.1037/a0022129. Ehrlich, Katherine B., Lindsay Till Hoyt, Jennifer A. Sumner, Thomas W. McDade, and Emma K. Adam. 2015. 'Quality Of Relationships With Parents And Friends In Adolescence Predicts Metabolic Risk In Young Adulthood.'.Health Psychology. doi:10.1037/hea0000213.,. 2015. 'Emerging Adults: The In-Between Age'. Sharon, T. 2015. 'Constructing Adulthood: Markers Of Adulthood And Well-Being Among Emerging Adults'.Emerging Adulthood. doi:10.1177/2167696815579826. Soubelet, Andrea, and Timothy A. Salthouse. 2011. 'PersonalityCognition Relations Across Adulthood.'.Developmental Psychology47 (2): 303-310. doi:10.1037/a0021816.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Movie Summary Blood Diamond Essay Example

Movie Summary Blood Diamond Paper Blood Diamond is a 2006 film produced by director Edward Zwick. The main characters are Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou, and Jennifer Connelly. It was filmed in Sierra Leone, Africa. And it tells the story of a mercenary and fishermen that join to find the biggest diamond ever seen by a person. The title of the movie refers to all the blood that had to be poured out to maintain a diamond business ran by the South African militia. The movie reflects the situation that was going on in Sierra Leone during that period -1990- and how the political frame influenced the corruption. The movie tells the story of a young journalist -whose character is interpreted by Jennifer Connelly- that visits South Africa with the intention of informing Americans about the situation in Sierra Leone and how the rebels abused the children and forced them to work in an illegal diamond extracting business. She meets Archer, a South African mercenary -whose character was interpreted by Leonardo DiCaprio-who made deals with the rebels and the government’s security institutions exchanging guns for diamonds. After a few months, they both meet Salomon Bandi –whose character was interpreted by Djimon Hounsou- who was a fisherman that got caught by the rebels and forced to work for them. When he was working for the rebels, he found a gigantic diamond and immediately hid it. Unfortunately, the place where he was working was attacked by the African army, and he was taken to jail. When he got out of jail, Archer joined him in the quest to find the hidden diamond with the only condition that they were going to split the profits if they found it. Even though they went through persecutions, shootings, threats, and explosions. They managed to find the diamond but Archer dies, and Salomon keeps it. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Blood Diamond specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Blood Diamond specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Blood Diamond specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The movie has a few strengths such as the plot and the quality of the actors. The story is well developed and explained. It’s also easy to follow up, and there are no ope