Monday, February 24, 2020

Family Friendly Policy and Optimum Shifts for Nurses Essay

Family Friendly Policy and Optimum Shifts for Nurses - Essay Example It has been suggested that the UK economy is dependant on workers who work long hours, and if the EU chooses to remove the "opt-out" clause the UK will bode poorly (Cooper, 2003; Parker, 2006). At present, the UK Government wishes to be informed of the multitude of views of stakeholders affected by the consequences of long working shifts. Input is expected to be used to collaboratively construct better legislation and policies that focus on the health and well being of shift workers. Inclusive deliberation over policy aligns UK best practices with those of the European Union (EU), which is currently renewing the 1993 Working Time Directive (93/104/EC) (Department of Trade and Industry [DTI], 2004). This paper aims to review shift working patterns and family friendly policies for nurses in the UK. Firstly, family friendly policies with regard to labour in the UK will be presented. Secondly, shift pattern differences between 8 and 12 hours shall be discussed with regard to family life. Thirdly, the effects of shift patterns on older nurses and their perceptions of shift work affects on family life will be delineated. Next, recommendations for best practices within the UK shall be provided. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesise the main points of the paper. It has been stated by the UK Government that it will implement changes to the European Working Time Directive (what is known as the Horizon... It is reported that a large number of workers in the UK work in excess of a 48 hours (Royal College of Physicians, 2006).Family friendly policies focus on the psycho-social aspects of work, and highlight the importance of values and interaction between children and caregivers, not only to these parties, but also to the wider community, and subsequently social environments that overlap with work (Nickson, Warhurst, Lockyer & Dutton, 2004). Children gain from family friendly policies by way of; socialisation; well being; education; reduced risk of anti-social behaviour; and alternative models for the female role (i.e., as equal participants). Caregivers have the opportunity for increased identity integration and satisfaction with life in general by participating in family-oriented activities. An organisation such as a hospital or other health care delivery environment will benefit from enhanced work performance, better communication and interpersonal skills of staff, and increased high quality care for patients, resulting in both patient and employee (Equal Opportunities Commission [EOC], 2006). From a social point of view, enhanced family functioning, intergenerational and inter gender relationships, combined with a positive view toward childbearing, can boost and maintain a sustainable economy.A good example of inclusive family policies is reflected in the recognition of fatherhood as a valuable psycho-social experience. Since the 1960s radical changes within family structure have taken place (e.g., nuclear families may now be extended to include relatives, step-, bi-racial; adopted; same-sex or single-parent). As such, prioritise have changed, and the contemporary dad wants to spend

Friday, February 7, 2020

Writting assingment on john wycliffe (argument ) Essay

Writting assingment on john wycliffe (argument ) - Essay Example The childhood life and the environment in which John Wycliffe grew shaped his future life. According to Roberts, the birth date of Wycliffe is estimated to be around 1330 and he grew up in Yorkshire, England (1). During this period, the clergy people had great influence in the community and flourished an expensive life compared to the other citizens. It is these scenarios that influenced Wycliffe to become an anticlerical supporter in the world of religion. Roberts further states that Wycliffe was interested in studying English and was also interested in the matters of spirituality (1). These passions exhibited by Wycliffe at his tender age were reflected in his life at latter years. For instance, Wycliffe was motivated to study theology at Rector of Fillingham College and also contributed to the bible translation into other vernacular languages (Roberts). These kinds of activities require people with passion to learn and exercise their writing skills. It is after his studies and interaction with the clergy people that Wycliffe clearly understood and influenced his civilization concerning the Holy Scriptures and the conduct of the church leaders. Because of his spirituality and involvement in various church activities, Wycliffe was supported by the church for his further studies in Oxford University. Wholesome Words Organization cites that John Wycliffe once served at the parish of Ludgershall (1). This indicates that Wycliffe real life experience of the functioning of church in England. Moreover, Farley explains how Wycliffe was directly involved in the spread of the gospel. However, it is after joining the Oxford University as a scholar that Wycliff started attacking the Catholic clergy for practicing the ‘wrong’ approach in Christianity. It is also at this time that he became closer to the son of King Edward III and therefore received