Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Aquinas on the Existence of God - 608 Words

I found Aquinas’ theory to prove the existence of God very interesting one. It is easy to understand and it is logical. Summa Theologiae was one of the best works of Aquinas. St. Thomas was a writer too and wrote many commentaries on Aristotle and other theological and philosophical topics. Aquinas categorized his arguments to prove the existence of god into five ways. The first way is the argument from motion. There are many things which are moving, it is not that all of a sudden everything started moving. The first mover caused the others to move and so on. This motion cannot be infinity because there would be no first mover then. Therefore, the first move is caused by what is said to be god. The second way is argument from efficient cause. The first efficient cause is god which led to other causes. It is not possible that everything exists by itself. In this argument also, efficient causes cannot go to infinity. The third way is the argument from possibility and necessity. Either things exist or they don’t. If they don’t exist, nothing would have existed by now. There must exist something the existence of which is necessary which caused the others to exist that is God. Others beings are dependent on each other while God is independent. The fourth way is argument from gradation of being. The fifth way is argument from design. All natural things act for an end to achieve some goal. It is not possible that they are doing these things by themselves. They are directed byShow MoreRelatedThomas Aquinas And The Existence Of God849 Words   |  4 Pagestimes, the existence of God. Each philosopher has a varyingly different theory on how whether in fact God does exist, or that he does not exist. Evidently, God’s existence has not been settled and will continue to be deliberated until humans no longer exist, however, there are philosophers who are more successful at arguing for God’s existence than other theories do. 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